

i love ayato

the orders you’d received for this assignment had been simple: 

wait around in uyuu restaurant in plainclothes to get eyes on the target. discern his motives through some good ol’ fashioned eavesdropping, and report back. 

you were meant to sit at the bar, where you could see all the exits, the stairs, and all the guests. yet when you’d arrived and told them the name your reservation was under, they’d led you to a private table in the corner of the room. 

“there must be a mistake,” you frown as you’re sat down and handed a menu. this is hardly an appropriate vantage point. you can’t see the face of the guests at the bar, nor do you have eyes on the exits. 

“there is no mistake,” a familiar voice answers, and of course, stepping around the partition is none other than your boss. ayato’s wearing that smile as he approaches the table, the one you’ve seen him use to manipulate thoma into trying some suspicious looking drinks, or other clan leaders into traps.

(the one that, in your experience, almost always means, ‘i’m up to something.’)

“can i start you both with something to drink?” 

“just bring what we discussed, please,” ayato says before you can get a word out. then, to you, “you look confused. the yashiro commission promised to take care of your reservation. is the table not to your liking?”

the table is not your issue. well, not completely. 

“what are you doing here?”

he pays no mind to your sharp tone, simply slipping off his coat and handing it off to be put away. “what kind of boss would i be, if i did not check in with my employees from time to time?”

“this isn’t checking in,” you snap, glancing around when a few heads turn your way. “you’re interfering with my job. i should have you detained.”

“oh?” he asks, looking all too smug as he settles himself across from you. “and on whose authority?”

you bite back your retort as the waiter brings a bottle of dandelion wine to the table. how they managed to obtained imported wine from mondstadt when the country was closed was a mystery to you, but you have a feeling the man across from you might be responsible.

so you allow yourself a small sip your wine (you are still on the job, after all), watching warily as he discreetly places a hefty tip into the waiter’s palm. 

“is there a reason you’re here, sir?” 

ayato grins over the rim of his cup. “well, i like to think we’re merely enjoying each other’s company. also— you know how i feel about you using such formalities.”

you simply roll your eyes at him, setting your cup down gently. “well, when i’m technically supposed to be working, so it doesn’t feel right to call you by your name, my lord.” 

ayato sighs, placing his cup on the table and folding his hands over his desk as he studies you in that all too analytical way of his. “yet you feel comfortable enough to call thoma by his name in any capacity. how is this any different?”

“thoma is not the yashiro commissioner, nor is he my boss. he’s my friend.” 

he huffs at that, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting in a way that ayaka would call ‘petulant and childlike.’ “well, since i am your boss, i’ve a mind to order you to address me informally. as you would a friend.” 

“and i believe that’s what people an abuse of power.” 

his hum is accompanied by a slight tilt of his head. “why let it go to waste?”

you sigh, picking up your cup and taking longer than normal sip before murmuring, “there was never any mission, was there?”

and there’s that handsome grin again, but this time it’s accompanied that look. the one reserved for you. it’s not cold or calculating or sharp. it’s almost…fond. 


the waiter chooses that moment to return, notepad in hand as he asks, “are we ready to order?” 

“i am perfectly capable of finding my way home,” you sigh. “you didn’t need to walk me.” 

“i know,” ayato hums. “i just wanted to.”

you roll your eyes, but don’t say anything more as the two of you stroll through inazuma city. it’s quiet between you two, and you can’t help but notice the comfortable space between you both slowly beginning to dwindle.

it could be nothing, you tell yourself. the wanting to see you, the playful banter, the dinner. it could be nothing. maybe you’re reading too far into it.

“it is a lovely night, is it not?”

his hand brushes yours. you pull your hand away.

“what are you doing?” you whisper harshly, glancing around at the various bystanders gawking at you both, in awe of the rare sight of the yashiro commissioner perusing the street.

who just tried to hold your hand. you’re mortified. your heart is racing.

you want to hold his hand too.

but even if you want to, you can’t. you shouldn’t. he’s your boss. a member of the tri-commission. the head of a very powerful clan.

and you’re just you.

it must be written all over your face, this mix of emotions you’re cycling through, because ayato takes a step back, clearing his throat awkwardly.

“i apologize if that was too forward of me. i’d thought….”

“it’s okay,” you assure him quietly. “just…not now. not here.”

“so you’d be okay if we…” he glances around, at the people whispering around you both. “elsewhere?”

“if you can get more of that wine…maybe.”
