


fireworks at midnight


♡ looking back on your last new year’s eve party with mark, you realise it’s not about what he says to you, but how he makes you feel, that really matters

pairing: best friend!mark x reader

genre: fluff, college!au, party!au

word count:1.3K

a/n: this is something i wrote no joke about seven years ago and am reposting on my tumblr :) hence why it isn’t really up to standard but i didn’t wanna have to rewrite the whole thing lol // tagging @nct-writers


With each sip you took of the clear, colourless liquid, you felt your soul slip closer and closer to the warm embrace of temporary rest. The transparent drink swirled around your cup hypnotically, enticing you to “one more sip, one more sip!” It distressed you that this poison was so easily presented in a colourful plastic cup, and if one was not careful, had absolute control over a person’s mind. 

The people around you screamed at each other over the headache-inducing, bassy, electronic music. Teenagers danced around the room, pressing their sweaty bodies closer as they jumped to the music. The party had been going on for awhile, so the stale stench of sweat stained the air. A tall girl, much older than yourself, was handing out bottles of beer to everyone, but the bitter, burning taste of straight vodka lingering in your mouth forced you to decline her offer. 

As you headed out to the backyard, the music faded slightly and the pounding in your temples dulled. Stepping over the body of a poor young girl who clearly couldn’t handle her alcohol, you headed to the furthest possible place from the house you could find. There was an overwhelming whiff of vomit and smoke in the air, but you didn’t mind - at least you could get away from all your drunk classmates. 

New Year’s Eve is a memorable time for everyone. It is a night where you can just let loose because, after all, you survived another year. It is a night where everyone feels on top of the world. And the parties! You’d been going to New Year’s Eve parties since your early teens, although New Year’s Eve last year was slightly different - it was the first time you hadn’t seen the New Year’s through surrounded by drunk teenagers. It’s a memory you will never forget. 

37 minutes to midnight. 

Pulling out your phone, you desperately searched for something to distract yourself from the trainwreck this party had become. You noticed a male figure exit from the house and pause as he scanned the backyard. A few moments later, the figure sauntered towards your position against the back fence, a happy twinkle in his eye. As he approached, you observed the familiar tidy black hair, child-like dimples, and a wide smile that you knew was reserved for only you. 

“What are you doing out here by yourself?” He questioned in his silvery voice once he was in talking distance. “You’re at a party, Y/N, you should be socializing!” 

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