

Giving you a little sparkle on this beautiful Sunday.
These beauties are called Aura Amethyst or Rainbow Aura Amethyst.
Rainbow Aura Amethyst is Amethyst that is permanently treated by fusing platinum and/or silver crystals with heat and vacuum to give it its gorgeous coloring. It is still 100% natural Amethyst.
Aura Amethyst is said to bring you peace and tranquility, much like purple Amethyst.
They are also excellent Aura Cleansers and act to stimulate and clear all of the Chakra Energy Centers.
Available @ sankofaliving.etsy.com

Much Love,

Sankofa Living

#Aurahealing #rainbowamethyst #auraamethyst #amethyst #chakrastones #chakracrystals #aurabalancing #meditationcrystals #angelcrystals #sankofa #auracleansing

A different day, a different sage … With all that’s going on in the world now, it&rsquo

A different day, a different sage …
With all that’s going on in the world now, it’s very important to keep your thoughts clear and calm, as well as the space that you live in.  Being that most of us are confined to our homes, our homes need to represent peace and tranquility.
Smudging is a practice to cleanse and clear negative energy, and to invite in positive, healing energy.  Cleansing your space will create an environment of calm, creativity, peace and clarity.  Smudging alone won’t get rid of negative energy, your thoughts also have to be pure and in the right place.  Practice mindfulness, positive thoughts only.

Try a different sage to see which one suits you best or try different sages based on how you are feeling.
This sage set includes 3 different sages; White, Blue Sage with Yerba Santa Sage, Blue Sage with Lavender Flower, and White Sage with Rose Petals.
@ sankofaliving.etsy.com

Much Love,

Sankofa Living

#sage #smudging #sageset #whitesage #bluesage #lavendersage #yerbasanta #sankofa  #ancienthealing #Aurahealing #chakracleansing #sagesticks #whysage #benefitsofsage

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