

In order to get the Prime Ministership, Turnbull has agreed to leave the Liberal’s position on Gay Marriage and Climate Change unaltered. Two key areas, where he has vehemently disagreed with Tony Abbott. The Liberal Party is still the same racist, homophobic, climate change denying claptrap with a now charismatic articulate exterior. 

The idea that our compassion and solidarity for our fellow human beings ends at an artificial line carved up by rich old white men is despicable. This is the biggest refugee crisis that our world has faced since WW2 and I can only hope that from Europe to Australia to America, we open our homes and give refuge to the millions of vulnerable desperate people fleeing their war-torn homelands.   

“I’m not racist some of my best outfits are Indigenous”

“I’m not racist some of my best outfits are Indigenous”

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What a redneck wonderland footy has become. Every weekend, somewhere in Australia, Adam Goodes steps

What a redneck wonderland footy has become. Every weekend, somewhere in Australia, Adam Goodes steps out onto a footy field. Simultaneously, an army of gutless drongos get ready to express their contempt for him, hiding anonymously in the choir of clowns who boo his every step.

Hey, bigots, don’t get me wrong.

I defend your right to express your unfathomable sense of outrage and injustice. It must burn long and deep. Probably over the spiralling price of a pie at the footy or the quality of the rubbish beer you force yourself to drink whilst acting like obnoxious school kids.

Your worries and concerns must weigh heavily on your poor benighted souls. So knock yourselves out. Boo away. At least have the courage though to admit what it is.


Naked, loud, contemptible, pathetic and unashamed.

None of this crap about Goodes staging for free kicks, being a “sniper” or sweet talking the umpires as the reason for the booing.

Don’t use football as shield for your prejudice.

Adam Goodes has made it quite clear he hears those boos as a statement on his race and culture. Blokes like Goodes tend to have a finely tuned radar for racism. When you have been living with it all your life you learn to speak it’s many ugly languages.

 So when he tells you what it means to him and you choose to boo, you’re confirming to him and every other indigenous footballer what you’re really about.

What you don’t like and can’t abide is that Adam Goodes won’t be the Aboriginal footballer you want him to be.

He refuses to simply be the smiling face of AFL Indigenous Round where the game’s self congratulation goes into over drive and Aboriginal people are celebrated in a set of proscribed rituals that say nothing about the true state of affairs and everything about our need to be absolved from responsibility.

A smoking ceremony here. A ceremonial dance there. A welcome to country and then goodbye, onto the next costume party.

No, Goodes wants to look you in the eye and talk about who we really are and where we’re really at. Goodes wants to confront racism and its uncomfortable truths. In the stands you sit in, the mines you work in, the boardrooms you meet in, the homes you live in.

He won’t simply be the Aboriginal man you want him to be.

And with your symphony of boos you’ve made it quite clear where you stand.

The fact that you fuel your own sense of outrage at Goodes and Lewis Jetta’s “war dance”  shows how feeble minded and self righteous you are.

Where’s your sense of outrage at the appalling gap in life expectancy for indigenous people?

The massive over representation of indigenous people in jail?

The continuing scourge of deaths in custody?

Your silence is deafening on those issues. Your outrage reserved for a man who dances on the footy field.

And whilst you’re booing ever louder and ever longer you can try drown out the truth of these things.

You can’t. And you won’t.

Because Adam Goodes’ legacy will endure long after your hollow howls ring out.

And that must hurt the most.

- Francis Leach

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The Australian Vietnamese community outside Scots Church for Malcolm Fraser’s funeral. Under h

The Australian Vietnamese community outside Scots Church for Malcolm Fraser’s funeral. Under his prime ministership, Fraser took a humane bipartisan approach to Vietnamese refugees fleeing the war. It accepted over 2000 Vietnamese boat refugees, It did not detain refugees in camps or issue Temporary Protection Visas. It increased the formal refugee program so desperate people did not have to make the dangerous journey by boat. Between 1975-81 over 43,500 arrived, with over 95% coming through refugee resettlement programs. (X)

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Jim Chalmers just absolutely tearing Josh Frydenberg a new one by pointing out all the ways Liberals lie about the economy

australians managed to get a satirical remix of our prime minister’s election debate speech to the top of the aus itunes chart

A Woman’s Place Is In The House Congratulations are in order for these formidable, fabulous in

A Woman’s Place Is In The House Congratulations are in order for these formidable, fabulous independents Prints: https://bit.ly/3Q8wGpf

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SWEET, SWEET RELIEF. May our government ever swing closer towards social, economic + environmental j

SWEET, SWEET RELIEF. May our government ever swing closer towards social, economic + environmental justice. Thank you, Australia ❤️ | prints/tees: https://bit.ly/3sNF7wh

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Great to see Scotty finally found an ICAC he could get behind

Great to see Scotty finally found an ICAC he could get behind

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LOOSE UNIT | favourite campaign moment thus far seeing Scotty desperately try a new pejorative that

LOOSE UNIT | favourite campaign moment thus far seeing Scotty desperately try a new pejorative that inadvertently makes Albo sound like a fucken legend | tees/prints: https://bit.ly/3PfNsCj

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“I don’t want to interrupt you David, please go on”. Tanya Plibersek giving it bac

“I don’t want to interrupt you David, please go on”. Tanya Plibersek giving it back to David Speers on Insiders this morning created by request - prints/tees available here: https://bit.ly/3ymJjXA

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Scott “I agree with (Donald Trump) on almost everything” Morrison?

Can we please not re-elect this garbage?

Labor is a bit pathetic, but that’s a deranged reason to elect the worst possible party, the LNP, instead.

Anyway, the Greens are right there on the voting slips.
