

Tony Abbott has taken money out of Royal Commission into child abuse and putting it into Royal Commission into insulation. Abbott will always protect his mates in the church.

Australia’s Prime Minister once gave a glowing character reference for a pedophile priest in court.

Latest Poll… Abbott vs Shorten

Latest Poll… Abbott vs Shorten

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every time I see footage of little tharnicaa nadesalingam having her birthday party at the park, I’m just struck by the fact that a year ago, for her fourth birthday, she was in hospital. because she almost died in detention. this is her first birthday out of detention, and she’s five.

just. what the fuck are we doing. what the fuck are we doing to all the other families who don’t have a community who loves them. how can anyone find this conscionable.

For the 3rd summer in a row smoke has reached danger levels in my state, leaving my asthmatic butt housebound.

I spent the day researching P99+ respirators. It’s time to start my apocalypse wardrobe. ☠☀️

The christmas spirit is escaping me this year. It’s hard to not feel hopeless.


couple auspol memes by yours truly xx
