#aust fires









this may be a hard pill to swallow for some people but like. 90% of the fires in australia wouldn’t be happening right now if people had just fucking listened to indigenous peoples

literally just. give us our FULL sovereignty back over these areas half of them aren’t even inhabited and almost none of them have ANY cultural significance to white australia (not that that should even matter cause it’s. aboriginal land and it always will be but whatever). give us control over them and shit like this won’t happen and our communities will heal.

Is OP implying the fires are the result of some kind of Aboriginal curse or something? Is the continent itself breaking out in fever in an attempt to cleanse itself of white people? Do the Aboriginals have some effective anti-wildfire strategy that the white people are too arrogant to listen to?

we had landcare practices to prevent shit like this. we’d burn the forest litter/hazardously flammable stuff in the cooler months to prevent massive forest fires happening. when our lands were invaded we could no longer implement these practices and now the leaf litter will build up and set on fire again and again and now the forest fires will be huge.

Its scientifically proven that Aboriginal people didn’t suffer from wild bushfires, pre invasion. And its also proven that back burning (burning parts of the land per season) actually encourages new life and promotes animal breeding. Aboriginal science outweighs white science.

Followers, ☝️ This 100%. Happy to send people the studies and papers and stuff (or just have the conversation with sources) but by looking at tree ring scars, we can see that some areas had fires once every 80 years - and now those same regions are burning every few years. It’s un-natural for Australia, this isnt a continent meant to be chaotically and uncontrollably burning forever.

The intensity of fire is increasing bc of biomass is changing, plant species are changing, rivers diverted and drying up. Soil salinity is spiking, soil erosion is getting worse - and a thousand other things that aboriginal activists and people have been warning about for centuries.

Areas under native title where mosaic burning happens HAS LESS/NO OUT OF CONTROL FIRES. The evidence is literally right there.

Part of the out of control fires are climate change, part is european settlements and farming practices causing absolute fucking chaos on local ecosystems. these fires are not sudden or out of the blue or anything - they’ve been a long time coming from systematic environmental neglect and intentional environmental fuckery. You reap what you sow.

Plot twist: The peoples that have actually been livingin Australia for thousands of years, surprisingly, have got this shit figured out
