#author bluespruce


“The words spark and burn in the narrowing space between them. Patrick smiles, looking up at Jonny with his face clear and open, the whole world in his eyes. And – it’s a beautiful world, Jonny thinks suddenly, with all the vehemence of a prayer. He reaches out to mirror Patrick’s touch against his face. It’s miraculous, even, this world – this one – where the sun is shining on the still surface of the pond and the crickets are singing. Where Patrick is looking back at him and smiling.

This world, where Patrick is pulling his head down and kissing him, warm and open-mouthed.

Laughter is bubbling up inside him, something bright and fizzing. Springs of living water, he thinks. My cup runneth over. Jonny is laughing, then, and Patrick is too. He wants to capture the sound, the way their voices intertwine. He kisses Patrick again. Again, again. He never wants to stop.”

Double Bind, by blue_spruce
