#autistic charities


My mum wrote an article for the charity Aspens on how their support has helped our family immensely over the past few years of getting my diagnosis. It’s a nice read if anyone is interested! Especially for all the families out there with autistic family members, it is vital support is given so that the whole family can thrive. Autistic people are amazing and families need the knowledge to know how to support us so we can live our best lives! My mum is now working for the charity Aspens and is using her knowledge from helping me to help other young autistic people! ❤️

(Picture descriptions: The first picture is of me and my mum sitting next to each other on the sofa. We are holding our dogs Lily and Grace. I am wearing my Grogu Oodie and my mum is wearing a flowery top. We are both looking at the camera smiling. The second picture is of me on my own in the same Oodie holding my dog Grace, I am sitting on the sofa and looking at the camera smiling. )
