
A bunch of transparent Gils for you need.A bunch of transparent Gils for you need.A bunch of transparent Gils for you need.A bunch of transparent Gils for you need.A bunch of transparent Gils for you need.A bunch of transparent Gils for you need.A bunch of transparent Gils for you need.A bunch of transparent Gils for you need.A bunch of transparent Gils for you need.

A bunch of transparent Gils for you need.

Post link



I proudly present the pact video for Aida and her fan demon, Acelin. This is the second half of the 5k reward from the Ava’s Demon: Book Two kickstarter. Thank you again, Aida, for your generosity, patience, and support! This video was an absolute pleasure to illustrate and animate~


Im so happy!! Thank you very much Michelle!! I hope everyone loves it as much as I did!! ❤

how is this so awesome? loved the theme and the dance *favfavfav*

#reblog    #avasdemon    

that was cute

who is he looking at?

new edit for fun

blond Odin



Old Nevy fanart

I haven’t shown my character Leecra here for a long time

So here’s Demon Swap!! like y’know what Leecra would look like in a pact with demons from a comic

when I don’t have enough avasdemon content, I just make it myself for myself

sorry sorry sorry


TW Horror Blood

Today is the birthday of my dear friend Foch Flos!! @fochflos

Here’s a little animation with our fan avasdemon characters as a gift

Livor and Leecra…dear friends to each other

Tylos drawings that i made for russian fan ask

In celebration of these two who survived the disaster
