#awesamdude is a wonderful character yall are just mean



Thinking about this one post I saw where it was basically saying how things might be different for c!Sam in terms of how the fandom views his character if he hadn’t been put on such a high pedestal when his character started to be introduced.

When Sam joined during Season 3, not many people really knew who he was. Hell, a lot of people weren’t even aware that there was a prison being made!

So when he joined in, his character was put on this high and mighty pedestal of “really great guy who’s a father figure and can do nothing wrong” and therefor when he DID do something wrong (like follow procedure for Pandora’s Vault, i.e doing his job) people just went to town on him and his character.

And I know cc!Sam himself said he knew ahead of time that his character was going to be hated and he wasn’t meant to be a character that fans would love, but still.

Had he been at first viewed as a character with flaws and morals then maybe more people would be a bit more understanding.

I get it, I love awesamdad, I was here before Tommy was introduced to the potential family but goddamn.

The only inexcusable thing he did was everything he did to Ponk because A) I’m a Ponk apologist first and a human second and B) It was super fucked up.

Then again, that’s what makes his character so tragic.

He went from some friendly, seemingly responsible adult who cared a lot about his friends to someone who’s clearly spiraling and in desperate need of a break.

I see a lot of different posts talking about how people talk shit about a character and have yet to really watch any of their lore streams and yeah,, I’m a firm believer in the “two sides to every story” type beat and with the DSMP there are SO many different perspectives.

Anyways, this post basically screams that I’m a c!Sam apologist and so what if I am?

I didn’t watch all the prison building streams for y'all to shit on my favorite character like that, nah.
