#aww these made my day



Got through quite a few Timestuck doodle requests today but I’m still not done with all of them, so sorry if you don’t see one that you requested ok? ^^

First up, SLEEP PILE BBY! >:DD

The one I worked the longest on and the nicest looking one tbh sjdajjfj they are soft and I love them-

Some Trans Dip and Trans Stan solidarity because HELL YEAS!

Poor Fidds reacting to the Pines family love for punching

Fidds coming back around after Ford has his ‘dispute’ with Bill at the request of the kids to help since he’s the only one with the brain cell anymore

(This one wasn’t a request but I saw it in the tags of one of the requests and couldn’t help myself skdnjsdn)

And that’s all I have for tonight folks! I’m very tired and wanna sleep yeehaw
