#awww yiss

9/10 would let him forge my iron, if you catch my drift. - Imgur9/10 would let him forge my iron, if you catch my drift. - Imgur

9/10 would let him forge my iron, if you catch my drift. - Imgur

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Whumpee drifting in and out of consciousness, back and forth, over and over. Sensing that Caretaker is waiting by their side, wanting to wake up and stay alert for a proper reunion, but their exhausted mind and body just keep dragging them back down.



Whump words I’m weak for

“It’s ok. You’re safe, go back to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.

“Stay down, you’re hurt.”

“Don’t look at it”

“We almost lost you a few times.”

“Hold still”

“Don’t you do that again.”

“I’m sorry, I know it hurts but I’ve gotta do this.”

“You’ve been out for days.”

“Breathe with me, in and out, you’re ok.”

“Stay with me” (obviously)

- yelling the unconscious persons name while holding them

“open your eyes, you can’t fall asleep. You gotta stay awake”

“This needs medical attention.”

Add your own!

“We need to get them to a hospital.”

“Hey, buddy.” (!!!!!)

“Im so proud of you…”

“Hush, rest now.”

“You look exhausted.”

“Shh. I’m here now, it’s ok.”

*murmured to an unconscious whumpee through tears* “C'mon, keep fighting. You’ve got this. Stay alive for me, please.”
