#ay jorge oh george


GRRM’s latest ‘Not a Blog’ entry:

WINDS, you say?   Yes, still working.   Finally finished a clutch of Cersei chapters that were giving me fits.   Now I am wrestling with Jaime and Brienne.   The work proceeds, though not as fast as many of you would like.

Good Stuff, Bad Stuff, Strange Stuff - Not a Blog - JUNE 1, 2022

Where did I read this before???

AC: How do you decide what you’re going to work on, whose voice you’re going to work in today? 

GM: Well, I don’t write the chapters in the order in which you read them. I get into a character’s voice. It’s always difficult to switch gears, actually. When I do make that transition from one character to another, I usually struggle for a few days trying to get back the voice of the character I’m just returning to after some hiatus. But once I get into it, I tend to write not just one chapter by that character, but three or four.  So I’ll be writing Jon Snow chapters, and I’ll carry that Jon Snow sequence as far as I can. And then at some point, maybe I’ll get stuck or not be sure what I should do next, or maybe I’ve just gotten way ahead of all of the other characters in the books, so I need to sort of rein myself in and make myself switch from Jon Snow to Sansa or Daenerys or somebody like that.

LoneStarCon 3: The George R. R. Martin Interview - AUG. 29, 2013
