#ayakashi aoi



Aoi edit! I found the background VIA Pinterest :3

I just randomly found some Aoi Cards and- *SCREECH* IM RLLY IN LOVE WITH THIS MOTHERLY SATORI SEER!!!

1st Pic: ❤❤❤ 2nd Pic: O////O WAT-

I’ll edit and post the rest tomorrow

I made dis :3


a gift from the heart - aoi x reader

Aoi fluff requested by @mari-eevee​ !! This actually turned out a lot longer than expected, and I’m planning to write a part 2 to this for his actual birthday!
Requests: open! check pinned post for rules and fandoms i write for
Author notes: aka things I’ve researched for the sake of some semblance of historical accuracy, not that this is complete historically accurate, but it was fun to research! Amateur photography exists with the more widespread availability of smaller cameras and photo development technology. Japan switched from the Lunar calendar to the Gregorian calendar in 1876, approximately 20 years before ARR takes place.

February 23rd. The date first comes up around you in casual conversation when Aoi, eyes bright with mirth, recounts a funny moment during one of his birthday parties from years previous. You no longer remember the story (it might have involved an inebriated Shizuki?), but the date is burned into your mind, as you are determined to do something special for the next one - the first birthday you will celebrate together, and hopefully the first in a long line of many. Though you are reasonably confident in your memory, you also circle the date in your calendar in bright red ink as a safe guard. As an extra safeguard, you also circle January 23rd, then write a caption to accompany it: “Aoi’s birthday - next month!!!”

As time transitions into the month of January, you are thankful for your foresight. The bright red markings serve as a constant reminder throughout the month to think about the best way to celebrate the upcoming milestone. Meanwhile, as you spend time with him, you make sure to take note of any hints as to what to get him as a gift. Like a hawk, you watch where his gaze lingers in the market whenever you accompany him on shopping trips for Raccord.

Keep reading

Thank you so much! This is too pure! I really appreciate it aaaaa!
