#ayakashi gaku


[2:37 A.M]

“What should I do, Gaku?! Everything I try to do, every cure, every possible herb, she’s just not getting better!” Yura exclaimed as tears fell down his face. The thousand-year old spirit was in his full grown-up form, and below him, on the floor, lay his lover, asleep but a sickly pale white.

Gaku had no words, he had known his brother for a millennium but never had he seen him look so broken.

“I-I’m sorry brother…but-but I’m sure you’ll find the cure! Maybe it’s some herb we don’t know about yet, or some sort of plant, we just have to keep looking! We can’t give up yet, there’s still hope for [name]!” The twin tried to encourage, but deep inside, he knew that [name] was holding on to her last threads of life.

A/N: Probably OOC, considering I haven’t read Yura’s route yet, I just finished Ginnojo’s, so next is Aoi’s, but I just felt like writing some angst for our boy Yura.

I can’t draw ikemen, cus I have children curse T^T
