
Ben Tennyson, legendary hero of the galaxy and the most powerful weapon universe. Now he must learn

Ben Tennyson, legendary hero of the galaxy and the most powerful weapon universe. Now he must learn about this new Omnitrix which is himself.

*Story based on the Omnitrix Ben Au that hiffuu created on instagram. This fic takes place right after what happened in the comic that hiffu posted about the origin of this Au The Incidents (origin) Go check hiffu on instagram if you want visual material of this Au, their art is amazing!*

The story is in spanish and english


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Potentially unpopular headcanon:

The Azmuth of the original timeline really did try to help Malware but each simulated attempt only uncovered more complications, dragging out the process longer and longer. It didn’t help that he had responsibilities to his people as well. Malware thought he didn’t care but in reality Azmuth wanted to come up with a solution that wasn’t likely to kill him. He’d already made so many mistakes in his life where attempts to do something good backfired spectacularly and he wanted to at least heal Malware properly. Unfortunately, when forced to choose between the genocide of his people and his ailing son, he had to choose his people.

Azmuth might be a leader of his people, but he feels like he belongs in the Null Void or back in solitary confinement on Xenon. In some ways, being in charge is a far worse prison than either.


It’s my city now and I say, strong but still sassy bond between Ben and Azmuth

- Azmuth initially hadn’t cared who got the Omnitrix. He was angry and afraid of repercussions by the time he finished it. He handed it off and hoped to never see it again, until an angry 10 year busted down his door on his hidden planet. He was willing to let the universe be destroyed out of bitterness and shame for what he had created. Until Ben shouted at him words that changed his perspective, his life and he realized hope did still exist. He saved the universe that day bc a child made him see there was still good.

- He did actually try and remove the watch, early requests for Ben to visit for supposed tuning and upgrades were actually attempts to separate the boy from the Omnitrix. It wasn’t out of malice, he fully intended to give it back but he wanted Ben trained first, give him breathing room without constant attack. It frightened him that all his overrides could not remove the watch. He swore never to tell anyone out of fear of what Ben might become. (He later dropped these fears but still didn’t tell him bc threatening to remove the Omnitrix was always an effective threat when Ben was being particularly stupid)

- Ben is actually very respectful to Azmuth, in his own way. He unconsciously talks quieter around him and avoids towering over the tiny Galvan. But Ben very much does not let Azmuth’s genius or reputation allow him to get away with being dismissive or a jerk. Azmuth too does not let being The Ben 10 get to Ben’s head. They both had to earn each other trust and respect. Both he and Ben do not like being fawned over.

- Ben is both a distraction and a source of inspiration when he visits. He asks annoying questions and fiddles with things he shouldn’t. But he brings in a perspective Azmuth would never think of and, by explaining and answering questions, Azmuth often comes to a solution. Ben is not blindingly intelligent but he’s good at seeing patterns and the big picture where Azmuth can be narrowminded.

- The amount of safety features Azmuth has added to Omnitrix over the years is downright ridiculous. His assistants, Myaxx in particular, like to tease him about it. Ben is functionally immortal at this point bc of all the back ups and fail safes Azmuth has put into the watch to keep him safe. Still knowing this, he has a small screen of Ben’s vitals running at all times in the background.

- If asked who Ben trusts most he would say Max or Gwen but a lot of times he thinks it’s Azmuth. He feels his family are too close to view his actions objectively and has called up the Galvan at all sorts of hours for an honest opinion. His mentor will respond back bluntly, sometimes harshly but usually, in the end, assure Ben and say that his worry over the situation means he is still worthy.

-Azmuth hates being carried by larger species, it’s demeaning not to mention uncomfortable. It took a long while for Ben to learn how to properly pick up a Galvan but now Azmuth will not allow anyone but the Omnitrix wielder to pick him up. “I trained him how to do it” “I need to be close at hand in case he messes with the device” he says as he stands perfectly at ease in Ben’s hands. Holding Azmuth is a guaranteed way to make Ben stand still.

- Has acquired more and more human sized objects over the years. Folding chairs became couches, tiny cups became Earth imported foods and drinks. Azmuth has some old clothes of Ben’s stuffed away somewhere, in case he needs it not really realizing Ben has outgrown most of them. Despite the couch, Ben still spends most of his time on the floor near Azmuth.

- Azmuth was initially perturbed by the idea of Ben growing up. While he moaned and complained about having a child have his creation, actually watching Ben grow was bittersweet in a way. He grew taller, his style changed, his voice deepened and Azmuth watched more shadows grow in his eyes as his responsibilities grew. He’s relieved Ben kept his humor and good heart through a tumultuous childhood.

- They are hidden away in secret but Azmuth actually has lots of pictures of ben saved on his computers. He looks at them sometimes, when he’s lonely, when he’s stumped on a project, when he’s losing faith in the universe. He sees pictures of Ben grinning, new and old and realizes hope will always be alive so long as Ben Tennyson is. 
