#azur lane

azur lane






My cubes are ready… also we need to drag Elizabeth to the gym so she achieve the BULK necessary to be worthy of being served by the Dreadnought.

I wish she gets a retrofit so we can give her bigger… Guns…

“Guns” to rival Bismarck! 

Speaking of whom. I’d love it if she also received a retrofit now that she’s back as the leader of the IB… And an Oath skin.

I wonder if we’ll get a retrofit for her, or an additional META ship (Mama Fred even spoke about a “METAmorphosis”) to illustrate Bismarck’s evolution and growth in power.

Would be fun if she could outgun Fred, Corgi and the Ultra Bunny combined xD

For now we only have one new ship confirmed for the upcoming event - HMS Bellona (drawn by ohisashiburi, Foch’s and Ulrich’s artist):

harunakonomi: A Gacha Game isn’t complete without (several different versions of) Jeanne d’Arc.


A Gacha Game isn’t complete without (several different versions of) Jeanne d’Arc.

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azur laneazur lane