#baby becks


Sweet Becks got her first round of shots today. So far she’s only got a 99.2 temp so that’s good. She’s a little more fussy than her usual self, but that’s not too bad. I’ve just been giving her extra snuggles and kisses and have been singing to her and talking softly to her all evening.

Itty bitty isn’t so itty anymore. She was born weighing 5lbs 14oz and was 19.5 inches long. Now she is 9lbs 4.5 ounces and 21.5 inches long at 6 weeks. Becks has gained 3+ pounds since birth she’s a nursing champ over here.

Poor Nolan cried so hard when Becks got her shots. I mean, the moment she started crying he cried real tears and was red in the face. Poor big brother loves his sissy so much he couldn’t handle seeing her be upset. He seriously is such a good big brother, even though he’s a shithead to her from time to time. ❤️
