#baby social


So like all moms, I want to do everything I can to give Addison the best start possible. In my day to day life I tend to be a bit of an introvert. But thinking of the complications that it brought me in life, school, the “corporate world” I wanted to make sure Addison had lots of exposure to people and other babies. Seeing as I don’t know any babies Addison age, I knew it would be time to look elsewhere.

About a month ago I preregistered Addison for some baby social classes at Discovery Programs in New York and as luck would have it about three weeks ago Addison started to cry until she couldn’t breath, every time anyone besides her dad or I picked her up. I began to wonder if I was doing enough. Though I know Addison only turned 4 months it still made me feel bad. So fast forward to today, Addison had her first baby social, classes are free and every two weeks (winning), but how would she react? Turns out that she LOVED it!

For those who have never been to a baby social let me explain what its like. Essentially its like a kids day time television show (well at least mine was) You walk into this big play gym where everything is padded and there’s someone there playing a guitar and singing songs. Most of which have instructions like ::clap clap clap:: most of the mothers have a sheet on the floor where they play with their cutie pies. It was great, and I would say if your considering going to one but haven’t decided you might just want to give it go :)

Here’s some pics of Addisons first day :)


