#baby wolves



Why Wolves?

Check out this short film to get sold on the idea!

It’s my first short-short film at The Animation Workshop!
I worked in a group of 6 with 5 others on this, I was animator, character designer did some backgrounds, some voice acting (i’m barking) and did alot of animations!

It was great working on it, and i’m so happy to finally share it!

Hey it’s our short short!

I helped in making this

Did most of the backgrounds, editing and all the sound editing, also a bit of voice acting (got a good howl in there)

It was an amazing team of 6 and I’m happy I had the opportunity to work with all of them, and to share our work

Now go buy a pup wolf or two

#wolves    #why wolves    #baby wolves    #short film    #kids film    #the animation workshop    #animation    #my art    