#bajoran trashy romance

Dremi Tinuthe has been many things, a soldier, a freedom fighter, a monk, a terrorist, and now he ha

Dremi Tinuthe has been many things, a soldier, a freedom fighter, a monk, a terrorist, and now he has been elevated to Vedek. The things he saw were terrible but the prophets guided his steps and he is building a life in the Dahkur Province, hoping to concentrate on rebuilding the faith in the hills there. But theres a problem. A very beautiful problem.

Vorne Eelke was a refugee and a laborer and nothing else. Even as she works as an archivist in the the Dahkur temple, the shadows of Cardassian Rule dog her every step. She doesnt have anything in common with this privileged vedek, her life didnt allow room for his lesiure or his faith, and she can’t Stand having to have him lecture her on the finer precepts, not having been tested like her. But if thats true, how come his eyes follow her even in her dreams? How come he was there in her vision from the Orb?

I’ve spoken about Cardassian Trashy Literature, how about Bajoran Trashy Literature? 

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