#balance of power


Power Versus Submission Completed

Many of my long time followers will know I have written a novel length story in the same style as the captions I post here. I’m pleased to say that this story is now complete with the link to my final chapter pinned to the top of my home page. I have had many people write to me encouraging me to finish this story and I hope You all enjoy the ending.

For anyone not aware the first part of this novel is posted as Balance of Power which can be found by clicking on my authors page at the link below. It tells the story of Robin, a talented social worker that helps troubled young Women, and her submission to a street wise school girl bully named Tahlia. The Bully immediately senses and preys on Robin’s weakness taking advantage of her in a quick exchange of power. Tahlia uses this power imbalance to tighten the screws until Robin finds she has no way out and is forced to submit to her schoolgirl Bully against her will costing her more than she would ever realise.


Hey, thanks to everyone who has written to enquire or commented on the novel I am writing called Balance of Power. This is a story I have written in the same style as my captions here and can be read at the above link. It’s a power exchange story between a school girl bully and her adult counsellor.

While the first part can stand alone, I’m just posting to let anyone that is interested know that I have started to make progress now on the second part and following chapters. I have written a few pages and have now settled on a direction and ending for the second part. I will write as time allows so can not yet give an indication of when it may be posted but I do promise that the future parts will be posted once again chapter by chapter and notice will be provided here.

I’ve had some very enjoyable feedback for the first part and encourage anyone with comments or questions to post them here and I will be happy to read and answer them as necessary.

Cheers all!

For anyone reading my book called Balance of Power this caption could be written for Tahlia and her

For anyone reading my book called Balance of Power this caption could be written for Tahlia and her relationship over Robin. If You’re yet to read it and are interested in lesbian domination, blackmail and coercion (basically a longer version of the captions I write here) please contact me for a link or click on the tag below.

Post link

The final chapter of this part of the story is up now at the above link. For any newcomers that aren’t aware, I also write long form stories similar to the captions I post here. The above story is four chapters long and you should start reading at Chapter One for it to fully make sense. All stories I have written are available to be read through the above link, just click or tap on my username ‘Bullied Submissive’. Thanks to anyone that has messaged or sent asks about this story, I’ve enjoyed all your feedback.
