#bangta scenarios


Anon asked:  Hi! I know you have a BTS reaction where they find a hickey they didn’t give the reader. Can you do a reaction where they and their s/o are babysitting their s/o’s niece or nephew (who’s teething), and the baby gives their s/o a hickey? (‘cause teething babies chomp on any and everything.) I hope this makes sense!

It makes total sense! I apologize for the late upload, but I hope you enjoy !~


At first: He would be dazed, mostly dazed by anger as he just stared from the mark, to your face, then back again before asking you if it was someone he knew and when the whole affair first started. He didn’t want to break up with you, at least not without an explanation. On the outside, he would be stern but on the inside he was hurting.

“How could you do something like this to me, to us?”


After telling him: He would be speechless, this time from embarrassment and regret of everything that just came out of his mouth. It’s not that he had forgotten about your nephew, but he didn’t know he was teething already. After finding out, he tried to find his words, but only stutters came forth with a few shakes of his head.

“I-I mean…Wha-“



At first: He would be confused and surprised, but not say anything, in fear of a fight breaking out, and that’s the last thing he wanted to do, was fight with you. Still, seeing this made him wonder if it was him that did something to push you towards another guy. He felt heartbroken, and doubt would cloud over him as he wondered and worried if he was the right man for you.

“Maybe (y/n) deserves better…”


After telling him: He would feel silly. He didn’t know why he would even think you would cheat on him, and honestly, he would feel ashamed that he even thought that about you. Nonetheless, he felt a wave of relief wash over him as you explained to him where you got it from.

“Ooohh…haha. No no, of course I didn’t think anything of it, well…maybe a little.”



At first: You know this boy would be the angriest with seeing something like this on you. You were his, and it messed with his head whenever he saw something that you could’ve only gotten from someone else. And this was not going to fly with him. He immediately demanded a reason behind this, because he knew that wasn’t his favorite spot to mark you.

“I’m not stupid, so please don’t treat me like I am.”


After telling him: The whole “cool” and “bad” guy exterior would go out the window as soon as you told him how you got the mark. He would shrink down along with his serious expression as he squints at you with a “What” face. He wouldn’t be able to help but feel embarrassed beyond belief but tried swaying it away.

“Um..did you just say your newphew/niece?”



At first: He would be speechless. He was between making a light-hearted joke, and playfully getting annoyed, or actually getting annoyed, but nothing passed his lips, only silence. He wasn’t sure how to bring it up, without offending you if it was a mistake or something different than what he was thinking that it was. Still, he couldn’t help but reach out and touch your skin as he finally asked.

“W-what’s this..?”


After telling him: Finally, the light-hearted jokes came forward as he shook his head with laughter, and relief. He knew that you would never go behind his back and get this done by someone else, but he was also glad that he asked before jumping to any outlandish conclusions.

“Ahhh~ I just had to ask, because I knew I hadn’t been able to give you a little love bite recently.”



At first: He would try acting like the “cool, calm, and collected “ boyfriend within all of this, but deep down he was yelling. He didn’t understand why you would go out and be with another man, when he was there, giving you his all. Even though this would upset him, he couldn’t bring himself to even show that anger towards you.

“I just want you to be honest with me, and tell me who gave that to you.”


After telling him: He would go back to his smiling, soft self as you looked at him with side eyes and mentioned your nephew/niece. Now he really felt silly, and he wouldn’t know what else to do or say, but laugh. After he came back down from his fit of giggles, all he could do was embrace you, almost in an apologetic way.

“Oh wow…I’m so sorry baby..I had no idea. I don’t know what came over me just now.”



At first: Just like Hoseok, he would trying being positive and playful about this, but deep down he felt annoyed. He would try his best to keep his emotions under control so he didn’t explode, but it became harder and harder as he kept starring at it, which just made him, have to ask you, what this was, and when you had gotten it. He just had hoped that he would get the answers he was looking for, and not ones that he was dreading. 

“Haha yeah…So (y/n) I wanted to know..What is that on your neck? It looks..painful?”


After telling him: He would blush like no other. A huge smile would cross his face as you told him the situation at home, and he couldn’t help but chuckle as he told you just how much he loved your family, and that it would be nice to go visit them. Though, if you tried to bring up his hidden feelings beforehand, or teased him for thinking the worse, he would just sway it to the side as if he didn’t know what you were talking about.

“I see! So that’s it? Awwww I love them! So cute! Speaking of family we should go for a visit!” 



At first: Jeeze, this bunny boy would snap at you, not really, but you could tell from the change in his voice that he was upset upon seeing the mark on you. He didn’t know who it was from, but he didn’t care. He would be so upset, that he would just ignore what you had to say, as he told you that he would let this slide, just this once! But he didn’t feel comfortable with you talking to them anymore. Yes, even if it were to come down to it and he would be hurt, the thought of breaking up, hurt him more.

“I don’t understand..Why you have that on you…”


After telling him: He would be tongue tied as you asked him, “You mean my nephew/niece?” After he realized what you had said, and put two and two together, that’s when he’d ruffle his hair and try to play it cool, but it was no use as you teasingly asked him over and over if that was the jealousy talking, and that you would never hurt him like that. To which, he would smile and respond,

“I know..I’m just happy that it wasn’t that. Can’t I worry about you being mine? I want you all to myself, and no one else.”


-Admin Bonbori
