#banjo kazooie smash

trinketgeek: Wow, I’ve been away for a while, but here’s the first new trinket in a while, the Banjo


Wow, I’ve been away for a while, but here’s the first new trinket in a while, the Banjo Kazooie Smash Ball!

It’s great to finally have Banjo in Smash, he really deserves it!
I’ll try to get on top of finishing the Smash Balls for all the great new characters that have been added, haha!

Pendants available at Trinket Geek:

Banjo Kazooie Smash Ball Necklace

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trinketgeek: Wow, I’ve been away for a while, but here’s the first new trinket in a while, the Banjo


Wow, I’ve been away for a while, but here’s the first new trinket in a while, the Banjo Kazooie Smash Ball!

It’s great to finally have Banjo in Smash, he really deserves it!
I’ll try to get on top of finishing the Smash Balls for all the great new characters that have been added, haha!

Pendants available at Trinket Geek:

Banjo Kazooie Smash Ball Necklace

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