#baobao returns from near death


i’ve been struggling lately with school, and it sucks because writing has finally become a priority for me :[

not to mention how i’m not really doing well health wise, but it’s nothing i can’t handle! promise^^

i hope i’m not making you guys wait too long for my next fic, i’ll try my best to revise some and get them up as soon as possible!

hello! so i’ve been terribly inactive recently, but i’m back! i took a break not only for the workload i had to endure but because i admittedly burnt myself out writing.. i’ll try to pace myself better this time!

i have a couple final drafts to post but they’re going through lots and lots of rereading until i feel they’re ready to post, haha

requests are open!! i’ll try my best to cater to everyone, if i don’t reply to your request please don’t feel discouraged!

happy wishing to everyone!! i hope you guys get who u all want :]
