#barbara thunderman



  • Thunderman works as a hero name, but I’m not a fan of it for a last name
  • So their last name is now ✨️Velasquez✨️
  • Hank took Barbara’s last name
  • More defined powers
  • Hank has the basics, flight, super strength, speed and senses
  • Barbara’s got electricity and a sort of mind manipulation (cause our brains are just electric meat)
  • Pheobe has telekinesis
  • Max recieves ~nothing~ I’ll expand on this later
  • Billy can keep his super speed
  • Nora’s still got laser vision, but she’s also heat resistant and can melt things with more than just her eyes.
  • Back on Max, they get no powers and no gender. Both points cause tension for different reasons.
  • So before Nora and Billy were born, Hank and Barb raised their kids at a super-powered boarding school. (Max was allowed there because of their parentage.)
  • In that school, the curriculum was very intense/competitive, low-key raising child soldiers since they wanted the kids to be superheroes.
  • Hank and Barb compared their two kids often. Since they were heroes full time they didn’t devote much to their kids. Situations like taking a kid out for ice cream when they got an A and leaving the C kid at school happened unthinkingly.
  • This sort of stuff piled up to create a really vicious rivalry between Max and Pheobe. Kinda like in the show, but in the beginning, they’re a lot meaner and don’t genuinely seem to care about eachother in the slightest.
  • When Barb took time off work because she was pregnant with Billy, she spent time with Pehobe and Max, taking them home when school hours weren’t going on for once.
  • Realizing how little she knew about her kids and how stilted their interactions were, plus general burnout from her job, she had an epiphany.
  • She wanted to retire from whatever hero committee she and Hank worked for and hero independently part time so she could actually see her kids.
  • After discussing with Hank, she did. And he followed her. They moved to Hiddenville and got day jobs. Hank became a teacher so he’d be off when the kids were off. Barbara’s trying to make it as a writer.
  • Billy was never enrolled in the boarding school because they wanted to spend time with him. Because of how devoted Pheobe and Max were to school (to gaining validation from others) Barb and Hank thought they liked it. They came home on weekends anyway.
  • Hostility came to a head when Pheobe and Max got into a physical fight at school. No life threatening injuries or scars, but it was apparent that their issues were a little too intense for sibling rivalry.
  • The kids were withdrawn from the school at around 14/15, when the parents figured that was a bad environment for it’s competition.
  • I picture the Velasquez parenting in the same sorta gray area as the Fenton (Danny Phantom) parenting. Like they don’t intend anything bad and they’ll fix mistakes when they get too big, but they’re kinda neglectful and say things that will unknowingly hurt their kids.
  • Like about Max’s (lack of) powers, first there was the late bloomer rhetoric, then sorta treating them like they’re a fragile child for not being super.
  • Rewind, on a school field trip to a supervillain prison, Max listens to one talk it resonated with them.
  • Recently they’d been struggling in school with all the pressures. They felt like the least favorite of three now. So much of their time was taken up with school, they didn’t have time for anything they enjoyed. Puberty was a bitch too. They just felt so tired and angry all the time.
  • The villain talked about the arbitrary-ness of societal expectation and authority and it clicked for Max. They’re never gonna be the hero their parents (derogatory) want, so why not be the super villain they wanna be?
  • Their spite for their parents really festered. Especially after talking about supervillainy and getting dismissed by their parents. Anything personal was for them and them only, Hank and Barb wouldn’t get the privilege of knowing. They applied this logic to their gender when they figured it out.
  • Pheobe takes Max’s villainy seriously. She sees them as a menace, but one she has to bare with until her parents give her the go ahead to throw them in super prison.
  • She has a complicated relationship with Billy and Nora. On one hand, they’re little kids, heroes protect little kids! On the other hand, they rile up her inferiority complex. Billy and Nora have a normal, healthy sibling relationship. She also feels like they’re just later attempts because the earlier children (her and Max) were failures.
  • Max hates their parents by the time they have to acknowledge Billy and Nora’s existence. They’re mad that more kids were brought into this mess of a family, but they feel neutral towards the kids originally.
  • But as the three spend time together, Max realizes Billy and Nora are like silly little friends that live with you, so unlike Pheobe or the boarding school kids.
  • Billy is fine with all his siblings, but mostly confused why the twins are so weird towards eachother. Pheobe’s a little standoffish, but when you get her talking she’s real sweet. Max says they’re a supervillain, but aside from being mean to Pheobe and mom and dad, they’re mainly just mischievous.
  • Nora thinks her sister is a little too straight laced/ overbearing, but she always listens and makes time for Nora when asked. Max is more fun but they’re prone to hold a grudge and never hang around long unless you’re working on a project together.
  • The first arc would consist of Max and Pheobe trying to develop a healthier sibling relationship. Meanwhile Barb and Hank investigate their first villain as independent heroes?