#barnaby fortescue iii


I give you a devil’s bargain. I draw Oxventure/OitD content, but i like a n g s t.

I cannot and will not be able to draw Barnaby consistently, ive come to realize. Get ready for that.

My beloved little men. Off to do some lovely crimes i bet.

So despite loving Oxventure’s Blades in the Dark with all of my heart, i never drew much because I find Barnaby extremely hard to draw for some reason. Well, Im changing that. Im back on my Oxventure bullshit and i actually have stuff to show for it.

My beloved little men. Off to do some lovely crimes i bet.

So despite loving Oxventure’s Blades in the Dark with all of my heart, i never drew much because I find Barnaby extremely hard to draw for some reason. Well, Im changing that. Im back on my Oxventure bullshit and i actually have stuff to show for it.
