

names meaning tag!

Thank you @mschvs! I love this

These are my character for my current WIP She returned

Astraea:Greek, Of the Stars, Heavens

Lorelei:German,Alluring enchantress, Siren (the origin is a rocky cliff off the dangerous Rhine river)

Imrie:Hungarian,Strength, Power

Aleric:German,Noble ruler



And some side characters because I love them still


Dua:Albanian, Love, Prayer

Ren:Japanese,Water lily, Lotus

Day 2 of Camp NaNoWriMo

And I already made myself cry writing.

April Camp NaNoWriMo 2022

She returned

Genre:Historical Queer Fantasy

TW:Death, War, violence

Themes and Tropes: Found family, Revenge, Villain MC, “Don’t talk to me or my child ever again” and others I’m sure. LGBT+. Asexual and Lesbian Main Characters, Gay, Polyamory

Elevator Pitch:

If they want a villain they will have a villain. Many years ago, Lady Astraea died in battle. She died a hero, sacrificing her life once again by slaying the Villain, a man waging war against all of the Great Houses. But when she wakes up suddenly and finds out that the narrative has been flipped; that now she, herself, is the villain? She decides that she’s had enough. It’s a vengeance motivated by anger, heartbreak, and the sudden freedom that comes from being alone in the world.


The story takes place in a single kingdom and specifically surrounding the Great Houses. Based on the European Medieval world.

Society is made up of the Noble Houses, under the direct control of the King, as well as the common folk. And then the Great Houses, who train the Chevalier, the only people able to communicate with the Ancestors, this world’s equivalent of Gods who also give them the ability to use spells.

The Great Houses keep their politics isolated from the King and Noble Houses. If their affairs do not affect the general population, then the King has no say in their business (including war???).

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May/June 1993 Mondo Uomo photo Randall Mesdon

May/June 1993 Mondo Uomo photo Randall Mesdon

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