


One does not judge a wolf for being a wolf. Same way one does not judge a troll for being a troll. That’s what they all grew up with. While humans drew power from their minds, troll took their truths from nature itself, for there is nothing as wise or right. Trolls are stronger, and their number prevails over the 4th and the 2nd Kingdoms combined. Does not that constitute their right to more land? More money? These concepts are clear as day, and yet humans, the big-brained deceivers, cannot look one simple fact in the face – the 3rd Kingdom contained the future of the world, like a pregnant woman bears the child that will build a new world for itself. And presently there is one human who refuses to understand it most vehemently.
In his chambers, they are several feet apart, as she was graciously offered a sofa, and he is seated in a crudely built chair, his ankle on his thigh, gnawing on hazelnuts quite calmly considering a flurry of angry ramblings he is being subjected to. It’s the funny thing about humanity – they always think talking will get them somewhere. The world talks only violence, and trolls understand it well. Sometimes he doubts that any human is smarter than anytroll.
“Oh? And how do you think a king should act? Make friends with kingdoms that are nothing politically or militarily?”
Looking out the window, he sees a land whose people are tired. Tired of crop failures, of hunger, of being disrespected. It has to end. He or his children will see the end of the era when trolls were under the thumb of the 8 Kingdoms. He only needs a bigger army for that. The taxes have been raised, the new laws established. A war is brewing, and he is not set on stopping it from happening.
“Don’t worry, little queen. We’ll make a deal and part our ways again.”

     Nahvee would be lying to herself if she said that she didn’t realize how things worked between the kingdom; one pillages the other to feed their own and her kingdom was no exception in a land of treachery. Her kingdom stays within it’s own; their people live a happy life comfortable within the corners of their bounds. They were survivalists in their own light; a kingdom that wasn’t reach but they maintained their lifestyle through the very nature they preserved. But Relish’s kingdom was far different; the land plagued by poverty and barren of food. There’s no wonder why he’d resort to using a queen as ransom; perhaps he would have gotten much more out of a deal with the ruler of a far wealthier kingdom rather than trying to rob a kingdom that has nothing to do with the petty affairs of those around it. The elves were a peaceful breed; reserved and quiet in contrast to the Trolls. Aggressive brutes they were and her people often frowned upon them, their behavior reckless.


     “You could have gone after any other kingdom; there are plenty others there for you to gouge and yet, you choose mine. We have had no qualms with your people thus far, why create one now?” They could simply coexist, but the trolls seem to have a different mindset. They are temping war and Nahvee wishes for her kingdom to left out of it. “I believe that a king would seek alliance before war.” she pointed out. She believes if he truly wanted to get his way, he could try to unite with the other lesser kingdoms; they’d unite and have enough manpower to overrun a bigger kingdom and their efforts would be fruitful. But instead, he wastes his time pillaging smaller kingdoms; taking their coin and yet, nothing seems to change for them. They are still poor and hungry. “Tell me what it is that you expect to bargain for?” She knows her people would struggle if Relish asks for a large fund. And she doesn’t believe his words; that they’d simply part ways and be done with this. He was bound to return, perhaps next time invading Elven land and claiming her kingdom as his own. “We don’t have much to offer, Relish. You’d benefit more taking this ‘bargain’ up with another kingdom.”


     The third kingdom; a rancid place in the eyes of a queen born to the throne of the eight kingdom. She’s spent many years sheltering her kind; elven folk with a solitary nature who wanted nothing more than to be left alone from the outsiders. And her low opinion of the trolls only solidified as their diplomatic meeting turned into a kidnapping. She’d have these barbarians slain if they stepped foot upon her grounds and now she realizes how foolish she was to have placed her trust into the hands of the troll king. She’s trapped here now; in his quarters and he towers above her. His frame massive in size and she; nothing more than a porcelain doll in contrast. There was no escape- she’s already tried and he would easily stop her in her tracks. 

    She’s angry, her body held with the same poise from before her capturing her eyes narrow in on the king. “And where do you think such an act will get you?” she questioned. Her kingdom thrived in their own ways; poor in comparison to other places beyond their land but they were happy in their solitude. They survive in their frozen terrain; fishing through the ice and making piece with the violent nature of their land; magic to keep them warm. And she has magic of her own as she can heal- her people lined up for the gracing of her palms to settle their woes. But the trolls needed money; their land was dying and yet, the elven kingdom spared no mercy for such destructive beings. They knew not how to appreciate their land; only destroy and this is what sets their kingdoms apart. “This is barbaric.” The words spit like acid from upon her tongue before the troll his time to speak. Their king was desperate and in this time, she found it pathetic. “Wouldn’t you think this behavior is not one of a king? Or at least that was what I thought you were until I realized that you’re nothing but a bumbling oaf.”

