#battlefield kisses


Thank you to @waywaychuck for another prompt! Yay! It’s actually pretty close, I think? I hope you like it! There will be a sequel!

So now I’m thinking - battlefield kisses. If you have a prompt for a short drabble where the boys share a smooch in the middle of a fight (I literally just got one typing this, lol) send it my way! They are a great distraction from the angst fest I keep getting stuck on!

You’re Cute When You’re Concussed

Poe had heard there were still problems on Corellia, but he hadn’t expected to run into them on a quick, unannounced visit. It’s been a year since Exegol, and peace and prosperity have finally started to return to the galaxy. Pockets of First Order loyalists remain throughout several systems but were generally managed by the local governments. It was safe enough now that he and Finn had decided to take some time off to travel, starting with Corellia before hopping to Ryloth and then Yavin 4. Poe’s still not sure how Corellia ended up on their list, except that Finn wanted to see it for old time’s sake. Poe figured if he could talk Finn into wearing another suit and tie, it would be worth it.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for them to be recognized as Resistance generals. They are having a drink at a local cantina when they’re approached by several members of a First Order cell, demanding they surrender for war crimes. Poe certainly isn’t going to surrender, which is why he and Finn are now in the middle of one of the biggest bar fights Poe has seen.

They fight together, mostly hand-to-hand combat given the close quarters. Poe wishes he could use his blaster, or that Finn would unhook his lightsaber from his belt, but it’s too tight, too crowded, and the brawl is moving too fast. He takes a right hook to the chin, shakes it off, and tackles the Keshian who hit him.

They go down in a tumble, and Poe knocks him out with several hard slams against the floor. He turns to find Finn but notices instead a Twi’lek on the other side of the room. Watches as she pulls a concussion grenade from her pocket. Shouts a warning to the room as he stands and runs toward Finn.

He slams the other man to the ground just as a deafening blast shakes the entire building. Bodies fly and part of the ceiling caves in. Poe covers them both and prays to the Force that the entire cantina doesn’t collapse on top of them.

When the dust and noise start to settle and he thinks it’s safe, Poe pushes himself up, his body still protecting Finn as he looks around them. The fight is over. They are covered in dust and surrounded by debris from the concussion grenade. There is blood everywhere, and a surge of panic surges through Poe as he imagines Finn, injured or even dead beneath him. He hovers on bent elbows, looks down to find Finn staring back up at him with an expression Poe knows all too well: exasperated annoyance.

Of course Finn is annoyed that Poe threw himself at Finn to protect him. He says so every time it happens. Poe always thanks his savior, but Finn usually gives him a lecture.

Something feels different though. This one was close. They just survived a terrorist ambush and concussion grenade. Finn might not appreciate Poe’s heroics, but Poe is suddenly so glad that Finn is alive and uninjured that he impulsively leans down and kisses him. Not for long, but a solid press of his lips to Finn’s. He pulls away and finds Finn looking at him with eyebrows raised.

“Did you hit your head?” he asks, his voice skeptical. Poe sits back on his heels to let Finn sit up.

“No,” he says, then coughs as the dust chokes him. “Why?”

“Because you’re bleeding, that’s why,” Finn replies. He reaches out to touch Poe’s temple. Poe flinches—yes, it hurts so apparently, he was injured—and Finn pulls his fingers back, covered in blood.

“I’m okay,” Poe tells him, though now that he thinks about it, his head is pounding and he’s pretty sure his leg is injured, too.

“Right,” Finn says, nodding in mock agreement. “Because not only are you bleeding, but you thought our first kiss should be in the middle of a fight?”

“It was minor bar brawl,” Poe says as a section of the ceiling nearby falls in. Sirens scream outside, and the sound makes him wince. “And I wanted to be sure you were all right.”

“You could have asked,” Finn points out, but Poe is not sure whether he should have asked about Finn’s health or asked to kiss him.

Poe mumbles a reply as he tries to stand. He stumbles on his injured leg, and Finn reaches out to catch him. Finn pulls Poe’s right arm across his shoulder and looks at Poe, but this time there is no frustration, no skepticism. Only concern and the smallest hint of a smile.

“I would have said yes,” Finn says quietly.

“Wait, really?” Poe stops and turns his head, finds Finn close enough to kiss again, but he doesn’t. He can’t think quite straight, and he’s really dizzy. Finn is probably right, he hit his head hard. But that’s not why he kissed Finn. He’s wanted to kiss Finn for a while.

He must look confused—or concussed—because Finn laughs and closes the distance between them to kiss Poe. Gently, but with intent, longer and deeper than Poe’s kiss. Poe’s mouth is left hanging open in shock when Finn stops and pulls back.

“You’re cute when you’re concussed,” he says.

“You kissed me!!” Poe exclaims. “You’re not just checking to see if I’m okay, are you?”

“I know you’re not,” Finn says dryly. “In fact, I hope you remember this actually happened later.”

“Me too,” Poe says. “And if not, remind me to ask you if you want to have dinner with me. I know a place on Yavin.”

“I would love to, but let’s get out of here first.” Finn starts them moving again, toward the street and the medical vehicles and other authorities pulling up. Poe is already looking forward to laying down and possibly passing out. But even more, he’s looking forward to dinner, and perhaps another kiss, with Finn when they reach Yavin 4.
