#bau and reader


Summary: The story of how the risk Spencer took and bonus of how the team realized they aren’t as observant as they claim to be

A/N: This was written for @omgbigfluffwriting​ as a part of @imagining-in-the-margins​ server swap 

I love your writing, and I think you’re a lovely person. I also hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Word Count: 1,7k

“Why is she here so early? She had her fourth date this week yesterday after work. I thought she would finally get laid,” Emily whispered to Derek, as she was scrutinizing you, trying to figure out if you got lucky or not.

“Maybe it was four different guys, Prentiss. I don’t think it’s working out for her with any of them, since she does have high standards,” Derek teased, before wiggling his eyebrows.

“Derek, stop gossiping and I would prefer it if the both of you left my poor sweet child’s love life alone!” Penelope smacked him across the back of his head, smiling after she heard the satisfying “Ouch” from the Dreamy Chocolate Thunder God.

“No, something is definitely different this time around,” Emily continued. “Just look at the wide smile on her face. It means that the date went well.”

“Why are you all looking at Y/N like that?” Spencer’s voice from behind them made all of their hearts skip a beat, which is why none of them noticed the way his voice cracked while he was asking the question. Realizing his mistake, and that they weren’t paying attention to that, Spencer turned in your direction, waving at you and you waved back, as you shared the secret smiles only you two would know the meaning to.

“Because she was on another date last night.” Derek stated.

“We’re trying to figure out if Y/N is still single or not.”

“I thought there was a ‘No profiling’ rule when it comes to team members.” You asked them, they weren’t as secretive or as quiet as they’d like to be as they discussed the topic of your love life.

“I’m sorry, Y/N. These two obviously know no boundaries when it comes to gossiping,” JJ grinned as she gestured toward Emily and Derek. “Sometimes I think I work with a bunch of kids.”

“Hey!” Some shouted offended by the statement, which made you laugh.

In the short time you had spent in the BAU as their police liaison, you had gotten to know all of them quite well. Granted, the fact that you assisted them with a couple of cases in the past few years helped the team accept you quicker than they had accepted any other new team member. You were only supposed to fill in for JJ, while she was on maternity leave, and then be off on your merry way, but Hotchner offered you a spot in the unit, and you couldn’t help but say yes. It’s not like you had any choice in the matter.

You had a different type of a relationship with each of the team members - all of the girls, for example, treated you like a good friend or  younger sister, although Emily was a bit more closed-off to you. The men… well each of them is a story for how you actually stayed in the BAU:

“How did you like working with the BAU?” Aaron Hotchner was no man for small talk and everyone knew that, which is precisely why you were taken by surprise when he asked you that simple question. It was your last day in the BAU, JJ was supposed to start working again tomorrow and the BAU did not need your assistance anymore.


“I loved working here, sir!” You said honestly. “I was taken aback by the severity of some cases, but working here made me feel like I could make a difference, give the families some closure, catch the culprits, all of whom are evil, and save at least some of the people on time. I have to admit that it took me some time to stomach some of the gruesome things I saw, but I hope I learnt not to show it, since I did not throw up at the sight except for that one time.”

Hotch smiled at that, which made you wonder what is going on. “I’m glad to hear that, Y/N.” He said, before telling you to take care and saying goodbye to you.

While Aaron Hotchner was weirdly friendly that day, David Rossi was even weirder.


“Ciao, bella!” He hugged you tightly. “It’s your last day here, I hope you’ll be happy on your next position.” 


“Thank you, but I don’t think that’s possible.” 


“Yes, the BAU does usually have that effect where it begins feeling like family and perhaps a bit more,” he said with a knowing smile, which made you blush. He was like the Italian grandpa you had always wanted. In the past few months, he taught you how to make Italian food like you should and not say something along the lines of ‘Here’s another American heathen, Madonna mia!’ Whenever you guys cooked at his place, he was the only person you trusted with your little secret, and he teased you relentlessly about it, but promised not to tell anyone, and he didn’t try to profile anything you did, like some people.



“Hello, Pretty Girl!” The smile didn’t reach his eyes, apparently even though he teased you a lot, he considered you a younger sister of sorts “So, last day, huh?”

“Yeah, last day,” You mumbled out. “I’m going to miss this place.”

“Well, this place is going to miss you, too. Especially all of the times you’ve pranked Pretty Boy and he screamed like a little girl.”

“That was you? I thought it was Morgan.”

“I’m sorry, Spencer, I just simply couldn’t pass on the opportunity to prank you.”

“I dare you to prank Hotch. Go to his office and set up the prank for him.” You were about to say no, but Spencer jumped to your defense”

“It’s her last day here, Morgan!”

“Exactly, which is why he won’t suspect it was her.” Derek said, making you think it over, you nodded your head, grabbing some stuff from your desk and heading toward Hotchner’s office. You were about to enter when Penelope ran into the bullpen, saying that everyone needs to come to the round table now.


“It’s about JJ” She said and the urgency in her voice made you drop everything and run towards her. Everyone raced into the office, but, somehow you were the last one there. Derek’s solemn face made you think something was wrong.


“Guys, what happened to JJ?”


“We need a new police liaison.” Hotch said.


“What happened to JJ?”


“Where are we going to find a new one in such a short time?” Prentiss asked, with a solemn look.


“Y/N’s still here.”


“What happened to JJ?” You asked, taken aback by the way everyone was acting.


“Nothing happened to me, Y/N.” She said from behind you, making you jump about three feet in the air, which, in turn, made everyone laugh. “I actually want to be an official profiler, which is why we need a new liaison. And we want you to be the one.” After the hugs, and the cake and drinks, you smacked Morgan for a good measure, because you knew that was his payback for all the pranks.

“Y/N?” Spencer waved his hand in front of your eyes

“Yes, love?”


“Damn it!” You muttered, knowing you did the stupid thing, and Spencer laughed. He had the guts to laugh.

“I guess the cat is out of the bag now.” He grinned.

“Love? You two?” Derek asked again, gesturing between the two of you.

“Yes. Us. Because we are together.” Spencer stated, smirking at Derek.

“You whined to me how she was going on so many dates and you couldn’t do anything about it.”

“And you whined to me how Spencer and you were just friends, and there was no way he would ever like you back, which is why you tried to forget him by going out with other guys,” Emily pointed at you

“I truly believed in that.” You mumbled out. “But everything changed on the night you guys offered me to stay here permanently.”

“I told you,” You heard Rossi’s voice. You turned around and saw the fifty dollar bill that Hotch handed him “Tell the story, bella”

“So, as Emily said, I was going on blind dates left and right three months ago.”

“And I was annoyed by it, but I thought she didn’t like me back and we were just friends.”

“What changed?”

“Well, the night we were celebrating the fact that Y/N was staying in the BAU in the club, I got so drunk.”

“I don’t think anyone could forget that, Pretty Boy.”

“Morgan, shut up. Reid, continue.”

“Y/N, Spencer is pissed drunk.”

“I know. I’m the more sober one out of us, so I’ll take him home and crash on his couch.”


“Thanks, Y/N, you’re the best!” Morgan said, before walking toward some girl he was flirting with.

“Spencer, hey!” You sat next to him.

“Hey!” He said, pulling you in a hug.

“You’re so cuddly when you’re drunk” You grinned, making him laugh, “Like a kitten.”

“Kittens are cute,” He said

“And so are you, Spencer. But you are also drunk, so I have to get you home.”

He didn’t resist, and, one taxi drive later, and the two of you were sitting on Spencer’s couch. His head was resting on your shoulder. He was falling asleep and he said the four little words you’ve been dying to hear. “I love you, Y/N”

“I love you, too, Spencer. More than you can imagine.” You said, kissing him on the forehead

“I thought it was just his drunk self, trying to tell me he loves me as a friend.” 

“But, it wasn’t. In the morning, I remembered everything, and so, since I heard what she told me, and the fact that she kissed me on the forehead, I decided to admit it. ”

You were making pancakes for breakfast when Spencer’s cough scared you. He was unusually quiet

“Good morning, Spencer!”

“Y/N” The seriousness in his voice made your belly churn. “I don’t want to risk our friendship, but I can’t keep this hidden anymore.” He took a deep breath, before continuing “I heard what you said last night.” He said as you were flipping the pancake. As you heard that, the pancake flew up too high and fell onto your face.


“I love you, Y/N”

“And what happened next?”

“We kissed, and talked it out.” You explained “We decided to keep it a secret to check who’s going to figure it out first, to prove who the best profiler is.”

Spencer kissed you, in front of everyone.

“Do we have to see this every day now?” Derek asked.

“Shut up and do your paperwork, let them love one another.”

“I love Penelope.”

“And I love you, Y/N Y/L/N.”

“I love you too, Dr. Spencer Reid.”
