#bbc live lounge


Harry for BBCR1 Live Lounge

Harry for BBCR1 Live Lounge

CultureMUSIC:JAY-Z“Family Feud” in the BBC Live Lounge (2017)

“Hovi’s home, all these phonies come to a halt… All this old talk left me confused. You’d rather be old rich me or new you?”

Another live clip to remind folks why Jigga is Jigga. Pretty sure that when I ascend to the pearly gates, I want a Beyoncé chorus to sing me out. Her gorgeous stacked chorals combined with his grown-man raps make this track a signature on his stellar JAY-Z - 4:44 ALBUM.

Me, ignorant, having only ever heard take me to church; Geez what is up the the hozier fandom???

Me, later, after listening to work song; *instanly transported to old woodland in a time long ago* oh.
