#bbc narnia

 I watched the BBC Narnia series for the first time in my life this winter! I love how overdramatic

I watched the BBC Narnia series for the first time in my life this winter! I love how overdramatic this version of the White Witch is. Her scenes were the most fun to watch for me, so i had to draw her. Morgred was also hilarious. I really want to to make it a yearly Christmas tradition for myself to rewatch Narnia :)

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i was trying to explain to my absurdly young colleague the joy of the 1988 Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and realised i couldn’t do better than this one gif, have a happy aslan.

UGH. the BBC 80′s version of Narnia was all I had when I was little. It’s hot garbage. this shot isn’t the worst shot, if you can believe that. I hate these stupid episodes with a passion. every time I see them, I am SO grteful for the Disney/Walden versions.


Found one of the first gifs I ever made…I stand by my choices.

ugh the garbage BBC version from my childhood. ew.
