


every time i see the episode that introduces Gwaine’s character i cannot shake the feeling that he was 100000% lying about his father.Just…. The way he says “my father treated his servants well” / “you didn’t know him” / “well i like to think he would have” its just….. youre lying. youre so lying. you knew your father and youre hiding your affiliation to him. He had some kind of connection to magic and sorcery, didn’t he? That’s why the King wouldn’t honour what he owed to Gwaine’s mother, that’s why he wouldn’t just tell Uther he was a nobleman, that’s why he’s playing dumb about merlin’s magic. Watch that episode again and tell me Gwaine wasn’t lying through his teeth about his father. Makes me wonder if the writers had an arc for him that never eventuated. Something about him just screams that he’s hiding so many secrets of his own.
