#bc i needed to read this again



Jensen x Reader

Warnings: Angst, douchebag ex, self doubt and insecurities.

@winchester-writes​ asked “Sssoooo I’ve been feeling super lonely and shit recently (you know my usual bs but just a little more heightened.) I would like a Jensen x Reader pwease, maybe she’s like shy, feels like she’ll ruin being in a relationship with someone again or that she’ll never truly be loved by someone and afraid she’ll end up pushing away the right one. Rip my heart out but I also wanna feel all giddy from your fluff. Basically…just do you boo lol you never disappoint ;)” I love you sweets - I hope you see yourself the way I do.

You looked at the screenshot image again for the hundredth time before reading the sentence that asshole sent you for the millionth.

“You know you’re not good enough for him. Trust me, I know. You’re not.”

Brian was an ex-boyfriend that you should’ve blocked months ago, as he kept finding ways to creep back into your life and put you down – even more so than when you had been dating him. You made the mistake of opening up to him about your insecurities, and he used them against you like a weapon cutting through your flesh.

The screenshot was from a recent red-carpet event: Jensen with his arm around your waist, smiling and laughing at the cameras. The two of you weren’t even dating, you were close friends, though you’d be a fool to not recognize how fast you’d fallen for Jensen over the years that you’d known him. Brian had always been jealous that you worked on a show with such good-looking men and did his best to make you feel like you didn’t measure up. He criticized your acting, your looks, everything. When you finally broke it off with him, he blamed you. He said you ruined the relationship with your anxieties, and that no one would ever be able to love someone like you.

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