#be back soon


I’m sorry for the long hiatus. I was never expecting to suddenly drop away from fics. I have been in & out of hospitals & therapists visits for my kids. My daughter has been constantly getting sick & my son was diagnosed w/ ADHD & was put on meds, that seem only to be making him worse. I might not post this month, but I expect to be back by June. & don’t worry, I’m still writing!

Hey everyone. I have been hospitalized for a major infection and be out of commission for a few day. I will try to get back as soon as I can.

Hello folks! Just letting everyone know that I will be away for a few days/late responding to asks and replies and such. But I see them and appreciate them very much thank you for the love. Take care of yourselves! I should be back late Wednesday


Got bored and threw some tes quotes into a Shakespearean translator. Make of them what you will

To anyone who’s wondering where I’ve been for the past month or two:

Hey guys it’s me, still alive and well (besides a small cold). I’m sorry for just disappearing like that. Like I posted my last fic and I haven’t really been active since. I’m not gonna lie, I still open the app daily, check notifications, and read a few fics here and there, but I haven’t opened any of my drafts or started a new fic since the end of July.

I’m not sure what caused this lack of motivation to write bc it hasn’t happened to me for a long time. I think it may have to do with the fact that like an overeager idiot I signed up for too many challenge fics and ended up stressing myself out about them to the point where writing wasn’t fun anymore. I joined like 6-7 total and I think I only completed 3. So that’s really my fault for getting ahead of myself, but I don’t think I’ll be completing the challenges at all. Just looking at the drafts makes me want to not write. I apologize to all of the users who’s challenges I joined and will not be able to finish, as most of you are people I consider friends I’m so sorry for not doing what I said I was going to do. I think that maybe one day I will finish them, but I can’t right now.

I’m not here to just complain and give a long list of reasons of why I haven’t been writing, but I do want to explain that I have things that have been stopping me lately. Very few people knew this, but my mother is currently pregnant and is due sometime in November. As her oldest child a lot of new responsibilities have been placed on me and I’m often busy helping her with things or doing things that she’d normally do but can’t right now.

And while things are starting to open back up and close back down at a confusing rate, I am considered an essential worker so I still work a part time job. Not to mention that I started my fall semester of online classes four weeks ago and I’m currently super stressed about that too.

These all may sound like petty reasons or dumb things to some of y’all who’ve gone through so much, but it’s a lot for me. So I’m trying to take things one day at a time and do the things that everyone else needs from me first before I do something that I want. But I hoping that I’ll find some time on my hands soon to work on some new fics or new parts to older ones.

Idk how many people are actually gonna read this but if y’all did thanks lol. Hopefully you guys will hear from me again soon in the notes section of a new fic.

Hey! Venti here!

I just wanted to say that I’m going to take a small break from editing for some personal reasons, and that any edits I’ve previously claimed will be handed off to other mods who feel like doing them

Thanks for understanding, cya!
