


*banging pots and pans* i present to you… THE JULETHIEF HIGH SCHOOL BAND AU, heartstomper (stomping on hearts)! we’ve got:

  • the one bitter ex and the other one who acts friendly and pretends everything is just fine!
  • heated debates in classrooms that make the teachers sick!
  • mutual pining! slow burn! friends to lovers to exes to rivals to friends to lovers!
  • “your music is too loud and the lyrics are too in-cohesive.” /“if our music’s so bad, why did i see you at our concert yesterday?”
  • their friends who just want them to kiss and make up already!
  • gays, enbies, gay enbies—
  • jules! how did you end up here? [detention]” / “not a word, sandiego.”
  • carmen: *literally describing jules to a T in her song*
  • julia: who the fuck is she singing about?
  • so much “ooh you want to kiss me sooo bad” energy i can’t stress this enough
  • and a lotmore!

let me know if you’re interested in me writing a full multichapter fic for this au! i’ll probably do it anyway, but it doesn’t hurt to ask! :D

(textless image under the cut!)

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