#be positive in yah



If you are Positive in YAH, you will see Opportunities instead of obstacles.


SIRACH (Ecclesiasticus) 2:1-6 את Cepher

[1]My son, if you come to serve YAHUAH, PrePare Your Soul for temptation.

[2]Set your heart Aright, and CONSTANTLY ENDURE, and make Not haste in time of trouble.

[3]Cleave unto Him, and depart Not away, that you may be increased at your last end.

[4]Whatsoever is brought upon you take CHEERFULLY, and Be Patient when you are changed to a low estate.

[5]For Gold is tried in the fire, and acceptable men in the furnace of adversity.

[6]BELIEVE IN HIM, and He Will HELP You; order your way Aright, and TRUST IN HIM.

The Characteristics of Faith

1. Faith Is TrustWorthy

YAH is TrustWorthy, and EveryThing He Reveals is TrustWorthy, even when it does not make complete sense to our mind, YAH is TrustWorthy :) ⬇

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MISHLEI (Provebs 3:5-6) את Cepher

[5]Trust in EL-YAHUAH with ALL Your Heart; and lean NOT unto your own understanding.

[6] In ALL Your Ways ACKNOWLEDGE Him, and He shall Direct Your Paths.

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2.Faith Seek Understanding

True Faith is an on Going process: The More we Understand YAH (by Having a Relationship with Him), The DEEPER Our Faith will be.

3. Faith is the Beginning of Eternal Life

Through Faith we Deepen our Relationships with YAH. Through Faith we Experience The Joy and Love in YAH (If we Continue to Stay Humble in YAH And RePent EveryDay). Through Faith we get a Preview of what Heaven is like.

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Remember, Faith is The Key to Please YAHUAH.

IVRIYM (Hebrews) 11:6 את Cepher

But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that comes to YAHUAH Must BELIEVE that He is, and that He is a Rewarder of them that Diligently Seek Him.

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QORITIYM SHENIY (2 Corinthians) 5:7 את Cepher

(For We Walk By Faith, NOT by sight:)

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CHABAQQUQ (Habakkuk) 2:4 את Cepher

… The Righteous shall Live by His Faith.

▪ Stay Strong in YAHUAH and Believe in Him. Ask Him to Increase your Faith and be Positive in YAH and you Will Received it (You can do it).

▪ And When you do Received it, PLEASE! my friend Thank YAHUAH, He really Love it when you Give Him Thanks.

SIRACH (Ecclesiasticus) 2:1-6 את Cepher

[1]My son, if you come to serve YAHUAH, PrePare Your Soul for temptation.

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[2]Set your heart Aright, and CONSTANTLY ENDURE, and make Not haste in time of trouble.

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[3]Cleave unto Him, and depart Not away, that you may be increased at your last end.

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[4]Whatsoever is brought upon you take CHEERFULLY, and Be Patient when you are changed to a low estate.

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[5]For Gold is tried in the fire, and acceptable men in the furnace of adversity.

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[6]BELIEVE IN HIM, and He Will HELP You; order your way Aright, and TRUST IN HIM.
