#be thankful in yah


Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

▪ A man who is poor but Free from envy who is GrateFul and ThankFul in YAHUAH for EveryThing is richer than ALL.

▪ Why? Because, he does NOT love the foolish things that are temptation common to mankind.

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• Mishlei (Proverbs) 28:6 את Cepher

Better is the poor that walks in his UPRIGHTNESS, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.

• ToviYahu (Tobit) 4:21 את Cepher

And fear Not, my son, that we are made poor: for you have much Wealth, If you Fear ELOHIM, and Depart from All sin, and do that which is Pleasing in His Sight.

Be ThankFul and GreatFul in YAHUAH and Enjoy the LITTLE Things in YAH,

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Because One Day you will look back and Realize they were Big Things :)
