#beautiful work op

ashenlights:Continuing the mobage au series with Xiao-Zhe this time! 


Continuing the mobage au series with Xiao-Zhe this time! 

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Imagine your parental!F/O(s) taking you in when your ‘family’ abandoned you, broken, unwanted, and unloved. Imagine your familial!F/O(s) bringing you to their hometown with them when your ‘town’/‘city’ turned you away because of you being different from them.

Imagine your sibling!F/O(s) showing you around their school and helping you feel welcome with open arms after your bullies left you broken and lonely. Imagine your romantic!F/O helping you find the love and affection you never got from the people who treated cruelly.

Imagine getting the care and unconditional love again through the people who chose to be your family.

“You’re our family, now, (Y/N),” they said to you. “Always have been, and always will be.”


Happy Birthday to the sweetest peach ever ✨


im glad that one piece gave me an emo mad doctor to love. im so happy.


…and what makes Ed happy?

pen & ink, 11x14"

Stay tuned for prints - Next shop update will be sometime next week. Planning open edition and a Limited Edition size for this one :)



thistlearts: From that first moment in the Garden of Eden, Crowley fell in love with Aziraphale.Co


From that first moment in the Garden of Eden, Crowley fell in love with Aziraphale.

Colored pencil on toned paper.

You can support me on my Patreon for more art, NSFW and step by step WIPs.


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A little tribute to Kevin Peter Hall- the man behind the Predator. It’s based on part of an interview describing his nights filming in the jungles of Mexico which I found so moving.

I love everything he brought to the character- a graceful, deadly, otherworldly and fascinating performance.
