#beauty gift



Hello my ladies, it’s almost that time of the year where you all run after the xmas gifts that could fit for your sister, mother, daughter, wife, girlfriend, and we know how hard it is. This is why we want you to think forward and think about it now, to do so here is a little guide regarding the beauty gifts that are really worth it for this season. All tested and approved by us!

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  • Molton BrownandRituals for your body: I got some for my sister’s latest birthday and she absolutely loved it. Pick up your favorite smell and fall for a body lotion or shower gel, it will always be the gift we will use and appreciate (plus it leaves a divine smell in the whole room).

  • Laura Mercier,HourglassandYSL for your eyes: As makeup addicts, women love crazy wonderful eyeshadow palette (all about the eyes). Of course, we all know the Urban Decay ones (fabulous of course) but let’s fall for something new, different. YSL isn’t, yes I have to admit, but the way they offer so many variety of nude shades is just irresistible. In another field, there are the palettes we don’t dare to use cause they are waaaaay too pretty, I have to mention the ones from Hourglass and Laura Mercier. But, good news, I’ve been using mine for a time now (of course it took me time to blend my brush in those fabulous sandy illusions) and it stays in the same shape if you pay attention so go for it, definitely. Also, appart from the fact that they are very good looking, I have to admit that the eyeshadows themselves are wonderful and really last all day long.

  • Charlotte TilburyandHourglass for your face: A MUST HAVE and also very very unknown still in some countries but here in London and there in New York those two make up brands are the bests. The packaging is gorgeous, the product is magic. I absolutely love my Hourglass Holiday Edition palette which is everything you need basically and also so cute and so easy to take on with you while away (everything in one place, that’s what we are all looking for right?).

  • Christian LouboutinandTom Ford for your lipsandnails: Though those two are designers and not makeup artists, xmas is also the time of the year when you like to receive gifts you wouldn’t buy yourself. Because of the price, the lipsticks wouldn’t be the ones we would fall for, but it is nice to own one of those fabulous (and crazy) in your beauty box. I already told you about my Christian Louboutin necklace lipstick (I still love it, still use it) and Tom Ford is Tom Ford, the lipsticks are quite expensive let’s admit but they are really really good quality.

  • Burberry,Victoria’s SecretandChristian Louboutinfragrances special edition: because we do already smell good but we like the fancy bottles you can fall for one of those crazy diamonds VS bottles, the newest Louboutin ones, or the Burberry which we already know but the bottle is always super festive for this season with glitters inside and who doesn’t love glitters?

Of course, as you may guess, we already got all of those beauty products and absolutely love them. They are crazy, fancy, good, stunning, perfect! We would like to hear more about your current beauty gifts favorites: what you are planning to offer to your best friend, what you would like to receive, what is for you the best beauty products right now,… everything! So still feel free to comment below, leave us a message on our Facebook page, in our contact form here,… We love to hear back from you!

If beauty gifts isn’t for you, stay tuned, we will cover other departments (gifts ideas) very soon :). xxx
