#because actual








Okay so like. There are developers who happen to develop for the web. They’re basically fine. And then there are Web Developers. And frankly I really admire the bravery and patience of developers who develop for the web for daring to dive into the cesspool created and maintained by Web Developers

And tbh I don’t wanna rag on Web Developers too much. They’ve been dealt an unfair hand in that the most visible, accessible, and influential sector of software development is constructed on the shittiest possible foundations, and is restricted to poorly made tools that structurally encourage the worst development practices in history. They, along with the rest of us, are haunted by the original sin of the First Web Developers, Brendan Eich and Rasmus Lerdorf

lmao if you think web foundations are bad just wait til you see everything else

In the beginning Brian Kernighan created C, and he saw that it was good.

see what i mean

C is bad but at least (a) it forces you to have some understanding of how computers work in order to use it at all and (b) we have other options now. Web development has no such saving grace

C is so bad that web development was created as an alternative to it.
