#because everything is better with mashups




So, one night Jane and Darcy are a bit drunk and start trying to figure out which Avenger is what Disney character.

“Okay, Darcy…. But why?”

“Because Tony is clearly Kuzco.”

“… Okay. Yes. Obviously. Is Natasha the Little Mermaid?”

“Why? Because of the hair?”


“Come on, Jane. I’m sure we can come up with deeper symbolism than that.”


“First of all, not a Disney movie. Second of all, with the memory loss, obviously Bucky is Anastasia.”

“Ooh, yeah. I like it. As long as Clint isn’t Merida. We can do better than that.”

“No, Clint is the boy from Brave who got a bullseye by accident.”

“Wee Dingwall?”

“You remember his name?”

“I liked that movie!”

“It did have a lot of plaid in it.”

“Shut up.”

“Is Thor Hercules?”

“Actually, I think Thor is more of a John Smith.”

“From Pocahontas?”


“Why? The hair again?”

“No! Because Thor was raised in a society that he considered to be much more advanced than ours and he was only looking for adventure without regard for the people who happened to be here already and he learned that mortals aren’t savages after all… And also the hair.”

“You’ve given this some thought.”

“I’ve been trying to place Thor ever since we started this conversation.”

“You can paaaaaaint…”

“Darcy no.”

“With all the colooooors…”

“Darcy please.”




“Shut up.”


“I hate you.”

FRIDAY jumps in. “Captain Rogers is Hercules. They both turned from a skinny outsider into a buff Wonder Boy.”

“Oh yeah! Zero to hero in no time flat!”

“Zero to hero, just like that!”

After, FRIDAY starts playing Disney music at odd times. Tony is haunted by Kuzco’s theme music, Bucky can’t figure out what the hell “dancing bears” have to do with anything, and Steve is frequently told he can go the distance.

Darcy finds it hilarious until FRIDAY starts playing “I Won’t Say I’m in Love” at her.

“Oh hell no. You’ve got all your wires crossed. I am NOT interested in Steve. Like, at ALL.”

FRIDAY doesn’t say anything; she just turns up the volume.

Jane is Belle and I will hear no arguments.

Also, she totally put FRIDAY up to it. :D
