#because its apparently required




Loki fans: Thor isn’t better than Loki!

Also Loki fans, when Thor hurts Loki to defend himself or his freedom: But Thor should be better than Loki! He’s allegedly the hero!!!!

MMM do you see your own logic is faulty? Yes, Thor isn’t better than Loki EXACTLY because that if he’s a the perfect hero Thor should be above hurting him. Insulting him. Neglecting. But he’s not. He’s not perfect. Neither of them are. Both have flaws. Loki hurt Thor for selfish reasons. And Thor hurt Loki too. That’s exactly why their story is so complex and interesting.

I feel at that our opinions are pretty much the same - that they’re complex and each have flaws and their dynamic is interesting for that reason - but I’m afraid you’ve missed the point of my post.

Loki fans can’t wave their ‘Thor isn’t better than Loki’ banners for years but then suddenly argue that Thor isn’t allowed to hurt Loki because he’s meant to be better than that. That’s not a consistent argument.

If they’re equal then Thor can hurt Loki just as Loki can hurt Thor and nobody should be crying about how it’s out of character for Thororabusive or whatever else people are whinging about.
