#becky being a baaad girl


PartI, Part II

Just when I thought everything was great it all turned to shit again. A package arrived today, with my boobs and the fleshlight and all my panties (washed). A note came with it, typed on a computer.
“Things have gotten out of hand. This stops now. I love you, but it will never be. Please accept it and lets go back to who we were.”
No signature. Obviously he’s afraid to get caught; by whomever. I’m so fucking mad at him. We love each other, why can’t we be lovers? Yes, I know, it’s incest, bla bla. But who are we hurting? I tell you whom: Only ourselves by not being together. I’ve never had such a case of lovesickness before. Daddy is my life and that he doesn’t want me is killing me. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t think. After two months, my grades have dropped to a critical level. It’s only a matter of time before I get in serious trouble.


Yep, it happened. My economics teacher approached me after class, asking me to wait while the others left.
“Rebecca, I’m worried.”
Here we go, I thought.
“You were doing so well. What happened? Are you in trouble? Do you need someone to talk? I would be more than happy to recommend a therapist-”
That’s when I started crying. His kind voice and the big, soft brown eyes totally caught me off guard. Mr. Jenkins has such a fatherly air around him, and I miss that more than anything. So I balled my eyes out and he was so kind as to stroke my shoulder and let me hug him.
“It’s okay, Rebecca. Let it all out. I’m here. You’re not alone.”
Such a sweet man. After I was done, I apologized, but he simply smiled at me and offered me his old-fashioned silk handkerchief.
“Look, I have a friend who is a therapist.  A very kind, very acomplished professional. If you would be willing, I am more than happy to make an appointment.”
“I don’t like therapists.”
He gently laughed, his big belly shaking a bit under his tweet jacket.
“Apart from her, me neither”, he whispers sweetly and I can’t help but smile.
“How about a dinner? Just the three of us? Get to know her a bit. If you’re not comfortable, it will be the end of it.”
His brown eyes were so comforting that I said yes in the end.
I feel a bit stupid having cried in front of a professor. His kindness only made me realize how much I miss daddy. I can’t believe he hasn’t called or texted, as if I don’t even exist for him anymore.


So, I just came home from that dinner. It was nice. I really like Amanda. And I like Richard, too. That’s what she calls him. I kind of like it.


I find myself talking a lot to Richard lately. He’s so sweet and gentle, clever and funny.
…Just like daddy was, before he turned into a complete dickhead.


We went to dinner again, the three of us. I never imagined having that much older friends, but I think that’s what they are becoming. I’m eating again. I sleep much better. And that last test was half as bad. Maybe I don’t need daddy.
…God, I miss him so much…


Holy shit, I’m invited to a party. A grown-up party, with cocktails and dresses and shit like that. I just bought a dress with a skirt that reaches the floor. It doesn’t get more grown-up than that, does it? It feels really nice, though. Satin. Black. Long sleeves and no cleavage, but low cut back. Also bought a thin, long sparkling necklace to emphasize the back even more.
It’s at Richard’s house. A few other students are coming, don’t worry. It’s all board approved.
Used daddy’s credit card. Fuck him.
…What might he be doing now?


Ready to have another sin confessed? It’s been a while, hasn’t it? *sigh*
Yup, the party. No, not the professor, surprisingly enough. A friend of his, professor at another college, thank goodness. The last thing I need now is getting kicked out with nowhere to go. And I think I indeed have nowhere to go now. I burnt the last bridge that night.
It started out really well, I didn’t make an ass of myself with all these intelligent people. Amanda was by my side the entire time, introducing me to most of the guests. We chatted, we drank champagne, ate pretentious finger food. It was all so fancy and elegant. I really had a good time. Maybe I drank a glass too much. But I wasn’t drunk or anything. Bit tipsy, maybe.
Anyway, that friend joined our little group and started to chat me up. Even though I had the girls hidden under a high cleavage he sure as hell admired them with a few looks. He was quite attractive with his silver hair and beard, a strong jawline and his piercing blue eyes. A charming silver fox. I didn’t mind his looks, nor the accidental brush of his arm against my tit as he reached out for a canapé, neither did I mind as he admired my back necklace, twirling it between his fingertips, the knuckles brushing over my bare skin. Really, I knew what was going on. Yet, I followed him into the long hallway, Richard’s private art gallery, and up the stairs where ‘a particularly beautiful piece’ was hanging in the master bedroom. That guy wanted to fuck me, alright.
The thing was, in that moment, I really wanted him to fuck me. I haven’t been touched in such a long time, not one word in over three months from the man I love.
When Jon (without an 'h’. Ugh, pretenious) closed the door of the bedroom, I was horny. He opened his mouth to tell me some shit about the painting over the bed when he saw me looking at him. He had turned on the light on the nightstand.
“You’re not looking at the picture, Rebecca”, he had said with a sly smile.
“Neither are you”, I retored.
Then I pulled down my dress. Due to the low cut back I couldn’t wear a bra. My full tits made his eyes widen.
“My, my. That really is a much more interesting piece of art.”
I giggled. I was tipsy, okay?
He crossed the distance and without ceremony took the girls in his hands, weighing them, squeezing them.
“Isn’t it forbidden to touch art?” I asked him cheekily.
He looked up at me with that sly grin. His thumbs began rubbing my soft nipples, making them rise expertedly.
“Don’t tell anyone but…I really love to touch art.”
“Do you also lick it?”
An amused glint came in his eyes and, holding my gaze, he bent forward and licked first the left, then the right nipple.
“Excellent taste. Year 2000, if I’m not mistaken.”
I snorted and nodded.
“That’s a very good year.”
He squeezed my tits and flicked my nipple with his outstretched tongue, still looking at me.
“I want to fuck you, Rebecca. Are you a virgin?”
Pictures of my daddy fucking me flashed before my eyes.
“Would you mind playing one?”
He sucked my nipple into his mouth. It felt good.
“Like a role play?”
“Great. You’re not on your period by any chance, are you?”
Well, that was one fucking weirdo. But also, kinda hot. That’s when I realized I wouldn’t mind getting fucked during my period. I’m a fucking weirdo, too (shocking news, I know). That’s when the idea popped into my head.
“Would you mind playing my father?”
It just blurted out of me. My heart stopped beating. Jon let my tit plop out of his mouth and straightened.
“The second I saw you I knew we would get along.”
I gulped. He kissed me on my forehead.
“Baby girl, you’re way too old to show me your titties”, he said sternly and gently pushed me away, trying not to look at them. Obviously, the role play had begun.
“Pull up your dress, little one.”
I needed a moment to think of something.
“But they are hurting, daddy.”
Daddy’s face flashed before my eyes, looking down at me with nothing but love in his eyes as he fucked me. I pushed it as far away as I could.
“Really? How?”
“They’re…tingling. And my nippies hurt, too.”
Jon bit his lip, giving me an appreciating look.
“Your nippies, huh? Well, alright. But this is the last time, little one.”
He turned around to lock the door.
“Why are you locking the door, daddy?”
He put his hands on my bare shoulders and moved me until I stood next to the bedside lamp.
“I don’t want someone to come in while I examine you. There are many bad men out there who would want to touch your titties if they saw them, baby girl. And that would only make them want to do other things to you.”
“Like what, daddy?”
My voice was an octave higher, more innocent. Jon loved it, I could see it in his face.
“They would want to put their big bad cocks into your little virgin slit, baby girl.”
“Would that hurt?”
“Oh yes.”
I waited a second, my eyes glancing down at the prominent buldge in Jon’s pants.
“Would it hurt if you did it?”
“No, of course not. Your daddy loves you and would never hurt you. Now, stand still. Daddy will take a look at your titties now.”
He bent forward, inspected my tits with his eyes, licked his lips.
“You’ve grown quiet a pair, baby doll. So full and round. Aren’t they too heavy for your little body?”
I only shrugged. That’s when Jon reached out and put his hands under them, weighing them by bouncing them up and down. My giggle was real.
“Heavy, indeed.”
He smiled at me, then he bounced them again and pressed his face in between. Remembering my role, I hissed.
“Did that hurt, baby doll?”
Instantly his hands stopped bouncing and he rubbed them instead, his thumbs pressing into them, pulling forward…I felt a bit like a cow, really.
I nodded and pushed out my bottom lip. Jon growled.
“Very sexy”, he whispered lowly before he went back into character.
“Show me where.”
I pointed at my nipples.
“Ah yes. You said. How forgetful of me, sorry. Hm…they do look a bit red. They could be infected.”
I made a fearful sound. Jon rubbed my tits again. I might have felt like a cow, but it also felt really nice, have to admit.
“Don’t worry, little one. Daddy will take care of it. But I have to touch them to make sure. Are you okay with that?”
I nodded. “But careful, daddy.”
“Of course, darling girl.”
Jon took the left nipple between thumb and index finger and pinched until I gasped. Then he did the same with the other one. Then the first again and so forth until my nipples really were red.
“Oooh, sweetie, I really do think they are infected.”
“Do I have to go to the doctor?”
“I think it would be best.”
“But I’m scared, daddy.”
I sobbed a little bit, rubbed my eye (careful not to smear my make-up). Jon was really turned on by that
“Oooh, baby girl. Don’t cry…” he whispered soothingly but pinched my nipples some more. Now he pushed me down on the bed, kneeling over me, straddling my thighs. He shrugged off his coat, losened his tie and opened the first two buttons of his shirt. Then his hand grabbed the cock through his trousers, slowly pulling. That looked so hot. It was even hotter when he opened his belt and unzipped his fly, his eyes burning with lust, his voice low and husky.
“Daddy will take care of your nippies…if you let him pop your cherry.”
His dark tone sent a shiver through my spine and my little hole clenched longingly. Yes. I would get fucked again. Fuck yes.
“What does that mean, Daddy?” I asked innocently while Jon bent over me and bit into my left tit.
“That you will spread your little legs for Daddy and let him stick his cock in your tight virgin slit.”
He grunted and sucked at my nipple, hard and hungrily.
“God, your tits are perfection”, he groaned against my moaned as he switched to the other. I closed my eyes and thought of my real Daddy, wished him to be here instead of Jon. But he wasn’t. He was back home and had forgotten all about me. As arousal filled my body, heated it up, slicked my pussy, anger and frustration rose in me. There was pain from Jon’s teeth and sucking lips, as well. I watched him ravish my tits, covering them in love bites, and that turned me on so much. I spurred him on with high-pitched whimpers and a little fake crying. There was a dark desire in that man, but I wasn’t worried fueling it.
With a husky “fuck”, he shoved his pants down his ass, his cock springing free. Not as beautiful as Daddy’s but still a good size.
“Time to spread your legs, baby doll. Time to give me my prize for saving your titties.”
He hastily pulled up my long skirt and pressed a knee between my bare thighs. I remembered Daddy doing that and missed him so goddamn much in that moment, all those bittersweet memories of him in my head. It hurt so bad. I wanted to get back at him. I could tell him about Jon fucking me, but that wouldn’t be enough. I wanted him here. I wanted him to see what he made me do. I wanted him to see some stranger fuck his girl. So, when Jon decidedly spread my legs, I put a hand on his shoulder.
His eyes darted up, unfocused and burning with lust. Somehow I knew he would be down for this.
“I want to film it. You fucking me. Give me my clutch.”
He panted hard, looked down my body, at my abused tits and my open, waxed cunt.
“But no face”, he panted and after I agreed with a nod he leaned back to grab my clutch lying on the bedside table. With shaking fingers I took out my mobile, tossed the handbag aside and began recording, starting with my red-spotted tits. I did a close up on every love bite and my swollen nipples before I let the camera slide down my body to my spread thighs and the bobbing cock in between them.
“Daddy’s gonna deflower you now, baby”, Jon growled, obviously turned on by the filming. Without using his hands he guided his cock through my slit, wetting his angry red head with my juices.
“Such a ripe little cunt”, he grunted. “Daddy’s gonna enjoy this.”
And then he angled his tip, aligning his cock with my hole and I moaned through gritted teeth as he slowly pushed his head inside.
“Oh, Daddy”, I whispered, as I had a thousand times to my real one, and Jon slammed his cock into me. I faked a squeal and pain, making Jon grunt with pleasure.
“Yes, baby. Now you’re mine. You belong to Daddy now.” And he started fucking me with deep, rough thrusts. I filmed every one of them, recorded the wet noises of my pussy and her hungry swallowing of that admittedly pleasently big cock. At one point Jon took the mobile out of my hand. He lay down on me and the bright light of the camera hurt my eyes as he recorded my face as he kissed me, his tongue darting into my mouth, luring it out so the camera could film our tongues dancing. He is a great kisser, have to give him that. It turned me on immensely and I wanted more.
“Fuck me harder, Daddy. Destroy my little cunt”, I panted against his mouth and he kissed me hard at that before he leaned back, taking the camera with him. Curling one hand around my thigh he recorded himself fucking my cunt hard and fast. Soon, I came, feeling the camera light on my face as I rode my high, thinking of Daddy and Daddy alone.
While my cunt was milking that dick, Jon grunted and roughly pulled out of me. He shoved up my dress and filmed how he ejaculated onto my belly, pumping his dick. After he was spent, he pushed his cock into my cunt again, fucking me gently until he was too soft for penetration. After he slipped out of my drenched hole, he stopped the recording and tossed the phone onto the clutch.
“Fuck, that was amazing.”
He grinned boyishly and bent over me to suckle each of my nipples.
“You’re gorgeous. We have to do that again. You’re a naughty little girl…just what I like.”
I grinned up at him, feeling surprisingly okay, thanks to Jon’s boyish charm. He chimmied down off the bed and licked his semen off my belly, playfully licked at my cunt for a bit before he rose and put his cock back into his pants, zipping them up and fastening his belt. When he held out his hand to me, I took it, grabbing my phone and clutch as he pulled me up. Once more Jon kissed me, massaging my sore boobs.
“Hope it doesn’t hurt too bad? Your amazing tits made me lose my head a little.”
“I’m fine.”
He helped me into my dress, now all gentleman again. He gave me his card and before we left the room, he stopped me, bent down and licked my spine from bottom to top, sending goosebumps all over my skin.
“Mmh. Wanted to do that the entire evening.”
We rejoined the party then, the hollow of my spine glistening with his saliva, a few drops of sperm still sticking to my belly.
I was still at the party when I sent the video to Daddy.

To this day, no reaction. But I know he’s watched it. Jon and I will meet again this weekend, I’ll spend it at his house. We want to play more Daddy and daughter. I will make sure to film it all until Daddy reacts in some way.
