#been a long time since i reblogged one of these



Roleplayer Ask Meme


: When did you start RPing?

: Did you ever think about quitting? Why or why not?

: What community did you start RPing in?

: What’s your favorite part of RPing?

: Have you ever done script-style RP?

: What’s your go-to: Paragraph RP or one line RP?


: What’s something that you dislike writing yourself, but love seeing others handle?

: How would you describe your character in two sentences?

: Is there a fashion style you think your character would be good in, but they’d never wear it IC?

: How numerous are your character’s flaws? Are they severe? Do you have trouble writing them?

: What’s something mundane about your character that you adore?


: What’s a giant turnoff for you in regards to RP etiquette?

❌ : Do you think it’s fine for a mun to refuse to RP with someone because they dislike them IC or OOC?

⚠️ : How do you handle metagaming?

: How important do you stress OOC communication? What things do you want communicated? Do you prefer things to be kept a surprise or do you like planning things out?

: Has anyone ever escalated IC problems with your character OOC?

: Have anyone taken OOC issues with you IC? What happened?

: Do you like to have all bodily interactions with your character to be asked for beforehand or do you prefer to go along with it?

: Do you prefer being friends with someone OOC before you start RPing with them?


: What feelings do you aim for with your writing? Dreamy and romantic? Or dark and grounded? What do you try to create with your prose?

: Do you like a lot of scenery description or do you like to keep it simple? Any reason for it?

: What are some tropes you really like using? Any you like seeing as opposed to writing it yourself?


⌚ : What’s the longest period of time you’ve spent on a single RP? Was it in one sitting? Did it take place over the span of a few days/weeks/months?

️ : Do you find dialogue harder than prose or vice versa? How much? Are they about the same?

: Which PoV do you prefer to write from? 1st Person, 2nd Person, 3rd Person?

: Do you speak another language, and if so, have you ever tried writing a story in it?

: Have you noticed any large stylistic changes between your writing from when you first started vs how you write now?

: Are you guilty of overusing a comma?

⏭️ : Did you ever struggle with linebreaks? Why?
