

Making a little bit of income every month has greatly reduced my stress. 

Before I started “working” online two months ago (I use the word working loosely because I mostly use survey sites and “beermoney” apps to make money), I was constantly stressed out about money. I knew that not being able to work because of my chronic illnesses was nothing to be ashamed of, but that didn’t change the reality that not being able to support myself financially was incredibly stressful. 

I’m not making enough money to support myself yet, but each month I’m seeing my income increase as I learn more ways that I can earn money from my bed without tiring myself out too much. A few months ago I didn’t believe that was even possible. I’m worrying about money less and less and my mental health is improving a lot. 

It’s incredibly sad that anybody has to worry about how they’ll put a roof over their head and put food in their mouths. I wish things weren’t this way. But if anybody needs some help figuring out how they’re going to make ends meet with limited spoons, or just wants to vent about their financial stressors, I’m here for you… just reach out to me over chat. 
