#beetlejuice the musical


Fuck. I did it.

My first something. In english.

And it’s online now.

Dunno how to feel.

Proud? Scared?


Behind the scenes at Beetlejuice re-opening night:

Adam and Leslie’s entrance

Say My Name

Beetlejuice the Musical (post re-opening, 2022)

“Let’s go home.”

“This line has a great significance in the show as Lydia is constantly questioning where she belongs and what home truly means. She is grieving the loss of her mother and in that grief feels incredibly isolated and alone. However, on her journey, she finds that there is love all around her and that family/home can be “a little unconventional.” This moment is her emotional release and as an actor I look forward to it each night. Lydia experiences a lot of pain throughout the show, and to let go of that huge weight is a beautiful thing. It makes me emotional each night—knowing that many can relate in some way. And to show that it is possible to come through the other side.” - Elizabeth Teeter


Will’s on all throughout this coming week!!!

New production photos of Beetlejuice the Musical at the Marquis Theatre

from a Dread Central exclusive

literally gonna cry seeing how happy Alex is to be performing in a broadway show alongside one of his longtime best friends :’)

Happy Adam debut to Andrew Kober!!!

link to the full curtain call below ⬇️


David Korins’ early set design for Beetlejuice the Musical

Beetlejuice Put-In Rehearsal 5/12/2022

Welcome to October, Netherlings! To kick off the month of Halloween, we are releasing the zine over Welcome to October, Netherlings! To kick off the month of Halloween, we are releasing the zine over

Welcome to October, Netherlings! To kick off the month of Halloween, we are releasing the zine over on itch.io! If you missed your chance to grab a copy the first time around, now is the time!

We will not be doing another round of donations, but the zine will stay up for everyone to enjoy!

Download your copy now!

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IT’S SHOWTIME!The It’s Showtime! Beetlejuice Fanbook is officially available to purchaseIT’S SHOWTIME!The It’s Showtime! Beetlejuice Fanbook is officially available to purchaseIT’S SHOWTIME!The It’s Showtime! Beetlejuice Fanbook is officially available to purchase


The It’s Showtime! Beetlejuice Fanbook is officially available to purchase! The digital book is pay what you want with a recommended donation amount of $10. 100% of all proceeds will go to the the Actors Fund.


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Holy crap…ONLY ONE DAY LEFT UNTIL RELEASE DATEThat’s right! The fanbook will be availab

Holy crap…

ONLY ONE DAY LEFT UNTIL RELEASE DATEThat’s right! The fanbook will be available TOMORROW! 

It’s Showtime! will be a pay-what-you-want digital download hosted by gumroad with 100% of all proceeds going to the Actor’s Fund.

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