#before i ever met you




“You are no fool to the ways of life. You might be the love of Yoongi’s life now, but there is his whole past—before he met you—to account for. The number of people that traversed in and out of his life carried a significance, and you want to know who they are.”

[yoongi x reader]

genre: angsty as hell, smut

word count: 11.8k

a/n: so, this fic has been years in the making. idk why it has taken me so long to write it. i remember posting a wip like a year or two ago concerning this fic, and if you’ve been following me for that long…here it finally is lol. despite the fact that this fic has given me the biggest case of writer’s block, i really really love this fic with all that i am. the idea first came to me pretty random (in the shower lmao), but i think the most random ideas tend to become the most beautiful creations. xoxo


A sigh leaves your mouth.

Keep reading

I will admit I did not expect that to happen but wow what a roller-coaster ride it was reading yoongi’ past lovers flashbacks but I really enjoyed reading it and I hope you enjoy too… leave a heart and reblog for others to enjoy as well

thank you so much for reading and sharing this fic!
