#behemo barisol

Day 7 of the 15 Day Evillious Challenge REDUX.Today’s theme is: “Favorite god”.Thi

Day 7 of the 15 Day Evillious Challenge REDUX.
Today’s theme is: “Favorite god”.

This god in question is the Behemo Barisol.

In the previous version of my drawing: I said that he’s prideful and stubborn and it is highly believed that he killed his sweetheart for the maid’s dress, but at least he’s helping Allen by helping him trying to reunite with Riliane’s incarnation…..only for Sickle to get pissy by saying he’s breaking the 3rd period’s rules, oh well.

….Ok that comment didn’t age well somewhat. I gotta be honest with you all: 6 years ago when I first did the challenge, I’m guilty of only liking him for his crossdressing, sorry everyone. 

HOWEVER! As I got older as well as getting to know him, I actually started liking him more as a living breathing character than just a dude who likes dresses, so yeah! He’s still my favorite god, but more for his agency than his fashion this time… still cute though.

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Two illustrations imagining what Kokutan-douji leaving for the moon must’ve been like.Two illustrations imagining what Kokutan-douji leaving for the moon must’ve been like.

Two illustrations imagining what Kokutan-douji leaving for the moon must’ve been like.

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